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Is This an Example of a Death Panel


1000 Post Club
This is an interesting video. This is a news story about a woman with cancer in Oregon who was denied care.

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Nobody mentioned the last sentence about how the greedy drug company agreed to provide the drug without charging her.
Our President wouldn't look so foolish if he would just admit that in a sense this is pulling the plug on Grandma! I am certain we are all just misunderstanding what Obama means by family counseling. It's really just a more gentle way of saying that a panel of experts will look at the situation and determine life or death. Death Panel?
Our President wouldn't look so foolish if he would just admit that in a sense this is pulling the plug on Grandma! I am certain we are all just misunderstanding what Obama means by family counseling. It's really just a more gentle way of saying that a panel of experts will look at the situation and determine life or death. Death Panel?

It's more than that. He is talking about cutting medicare and shifting funds to the under-65 population in addition to reducing costs for the last life of care. In total, it makes seniors uneasy, if not fearful.

As with the rest of his plan, he has only communicated in generalities and asks the public and congress to fill in the blanks as we go along. Sometimes that has worked for him by sparing him from having to say anyting concise. Other times it has worked against him because people filled in the blanks differently in the abscence of real information. Whose fault is that?

I follow it fairly closely but have no clue where his plan stands on funding abortion. Not a clue. He keeps it that way too.

I have no clue where his plan is on funding illegals other than that he adjusts his message depending on who he is speaking to. (we are not going to fund illegals but we have 47 million uninsured in this country which includes the illegals and we are going to cover everybody). Ahhh...okay......keep me guessing and then accuse us of creating lies and myths if we get it wrong.

Of course those death panels and pulling the plug on Grandma does not help.
Evidently Oregon isn't in the US (anymore) Obama said that it will not happen in America and his plan isn't trying to do what that evil country of Oregon is doing to its people.
More hypocrisy.
Chime in on this guys?
Is it just me or does it seem that people live in a fairy tale land?
Why should the quality of a person’s healthcare / insurance be any different than any other good or service that is obtainable in the market? Some will drive better cars, eat better food, live in nicer houses in safer areas …
People, as they are terrified of death, make statements like, “Congress should have the same healthcare as the rest of us, etc…”
What planet are these people living on? It’s not Earth. Not based on my experience.
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The one thing that we can be sure of is that one day we will all stand before god and we will be judged.

That’s right.
Cloud the issue further with a holier than thou statement.
This is how governments get legistlation and the wrong people voted into office in the first place.
Let’s keep our eye’s on the money and leave such subjective comments in your church on Sunday?
Let's not drag God into this? That is a mistake. As it always is when dealing with politics or money. Kills me. Everytime things get complicated or unpleasant we go down the "you'll answer to God road." Let's focous on this life and taking care of each other instead of taking our eye's off of the ball while throwing this into the "cosmic credit report?"
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And when some of you find out God is a Hispanic, gay, woman... you are not going to be happy about it!!

Then again, if God is a Camel smokin', gun-lovin', pick-up drivin', good ole boy from Alabama... I'm not going to be happy about it!

Touché, putts.
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