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Is this Illiegal or Just Un-ethical

If the bylaws or regulations that rule your town do not call for Council to put the insurance out to bid via an RFP then Council can pretty much do as it pleases. Ethics appear to be in the eye of the beholder (as does morality at times). That said, if you are as upset as it sounds and would like the opportunity to voice your concerns, I would suggest an open letter to Council or, an Op-Ed in your local paper, or you could also see if you can get enough votes to get onto Council yourself. Finally, perhaps you can recommend to Council they set up RFP's and publish them for quoting purposes. This would put everyone on an even playing field. By the way, how many full-time employees does that $32,000 (which is over $2,600 per month) cover and is that for the employee only or is that an average for everyone.
Hmm. How does the old saying go? "Most politics are done on a local level..." While there is not concrete proof of wrong doing, it sounds like they are definitely overpaying for their insurance. With the recent study showing that the average annual health insurance premium is $10,000, one would think the city would start looking at this. Keep fighting the good fight!
The union rep gave the info to me because I am the political opponent - I was told not to make it public yet.

I also had to agree before running that if elected I would have to recuse myself from any votes on insurance and not to sell or attempt to sell insurance to the town. Employees coming to me off the clock for their own insurance needs is fine though.
The union rep gave the info to me because I am the political opponent - I was told not to make it public yet.

I also had to agree before running that if elected I would have to recuse myself from any votes on insurance and not to sell or attempt to sell insurance to the town. Employees coming to me off the clock for their own insurance needs is fine though.

So, there is more to this and the plot thickens
Ok, so it's a union plan which changes the dynamic a bit (though not entirely). I would take the union representative's numbers with a grain of salt then. Unless the person is in charge of the Health and Welfare plan, it is just hearsay. I would also question their motive for providing you with that information. I would also say that since this is a government-funded plan that it should be public knowledge as to the cost. You could probably file a request for information under the freedom of information act. How long it will take is a separate issue but that would be the true test of what they are paying and for what.
Ok, so it's a union plan which changes the dynamic a bit (though not entirely). I would take the union representative's numbers with a grain of salt then. Unless the person is in charge of the Health and Welfare plan, it is just hearsay. I would also question their motive for providing you with that information. I would also say that since this is a government-funded plan that it should be public knowledge as to the cost. You could probably file a request for information under the freedom of information act. How long it will take is a separate issue but that would be the true test of what they are paying and for what.

Yea, these could be Trojan horse numbers.
The Union is picketing right now, since their contract does not allow them to go on strike. The union rep showed me the payroll data which is public record and it shows that our guys make $5-11 an hour less than the guys doing the same job in the neighboring towns. The council says they should be happy though since they have the Rolls Royce or Bentley of healthcare plans, etc. Sad part is a lot of the guys are getting Medicaid and foodstamps. The town Supervisor is a realtor who has lined the pockets of her friends and was arrested recently for harassment and terroristic threats.

I have been urged to make a few calls to the DOI just to make this guys life unpleasant. Not sure I want to go that route.
The Union is picketing right now, since their contract does not allow them to go on strike. The union rep showed me the payroll data which is public record and it shows that our guys make $5-11 an hour less than the guys doing the same job in the neighboring towns. The council says they should be happy though since they have the Rolls Royce or Bentley of healthcare plans, etc. Sad part is a lot of the guys are getting Medicaid and foodstamps. The town Supervisor is a realtor who has lined the pockets of her friends and was arrested recently for harassment and terroristic threats.

I have been urged to make a few calls to the DOI just to make this guys life unpleasant. Not sure I want to go that route.

So what is the name of the town?
My husband was actually supposed to run but he declined the nomination and I was chosen in his place.

On the bright side, all town scandals aside, phone ringing like crazy, website searches doubled, facebook interactions, and new customers. Win lose I got free press.