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Jump Ship from Combined Insurance Now?

That is funny, Chico Dennis was with Combined when I was there from August 1981 to December 1982. "My philosophy is PMA and I do it everyday" still rings in my head...
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I wanted to get the experience of selling life and health insurance for one company. I can say that Combined has taught me to sell.

I have been told by multiple people that Combined will teach you to sell.
I'm a grown ass man, I don't allow people to yell at me. That's the great thing about being independent. I'd suggest jumping ship.

That. Even in the Military I was always bucking authority, so employee/follower/captive is not in my makeup.

My wife goes into Medusa mode when she yells at me so that does not count as people, right?
My wife goes into Medusa mode when she yells at me so that does not count as people, right?

That's right. Just don't look into her eyes while she's yelling. But the fact that you're able to post here tells me you know not to look into her eyes when she's yelling at you.
That's right. Just don't look into her eyes while she's yelling. But the fact that you're able to post here tells me you know not to look into her eyes when she's yelling at you.

Technique. Cover the virals while kissing up. Oh, and curl your toes like a girl.

Why did you leave being independent to join a captive company in the first place?

I'm thinking about doing it. I met a guy today that says they will do the training and stuff. I think it'd be nice because I've never seen another insurance agent sell anything. Plus I get to go to Chicago which is cool because I have friends there.

Buuuuuuut, I'm worried about my contracts. Did you have to drop all your contracts when you joined, or are you just not allowed to sell through them?

Still thinking about Mass too.
I didn't drop anything when I went with Combined, nor was I asked to. I don't remember signing anything other than a non-solicit/non-replacement agreement to not contact or replace business for two years (standard agreement).

My TM would let me sell outside business, as long as I was meeting my weekly amounts. Well, you can't serve two masters... at least I couldn't.
I didn't drop anything when I went with Combined, nor was I asked to. I don't remember signing anything other than a non-solicit/non-replacement agreement to not contact or replace business for two years (standard agreement).

My TM would let me sell outside business, as long as I was meeting my weekly amounts. Well, you can't serve two masters... at least I couldn't.

I meant do you think Mass or Combined is the better value?