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Lead generation costs

Not all things work the same for all people. Not all things work the same in different parts of the country. Not all things work the same with the type of clientele you attract.

Given those variations, after you get rolling, the right thing to do is to always peal off your worse performing lead source (based on ROI, including your time) and add a new one. Do this at least once a quarter. Make sure you give something a fair shake before you throw it out.

Lead sources are a funny thing. Many will work for a while, and then die out. Some will be sleepers for a while, then spark. You have to learn trends.

Oh yeah, someone on here has mentioned PZ leads are not worth the electrons they are sent on.

With exception of a few lead companies, it comes down to individual preference.

I like leads with lot's of filters and a reasonable return policy. There are a few lead brokers that offer that and they are the ones where I write most of my business. Their volume is not as great as some of the other vendors but so what? My ROI is sufficient that I keep them in the mix.

Some folks want lots of volume and don't care about filters. Others won't use vendors that use affiliates or have an eHealth option.

Again, personal preference.

I probably need to run the numbers again, but the last time I checked (back in the spring) my COA for a new client was under $50 and my avg annualized commission was over $800.

That's a pretty decent ROI.

I filter out folks under age 25 and over age 60. With some of my lead vendors I also filter out those who do not have health insurance now. Of course all of them filter the major conditions and currently pregnant.

By concentrating mostly on serious buyers and really working famlies and older individuals and couples I maintain a good ROI.

I don't burn through a lot of leads but make the most of the leads I get. Lot's of follow up and drip marketing make it work for me. What I do doesn't work for a lot of folks but you have to find your niche and find a way to make it work for you.

I don't sell life or any other line unless someone asks. I focus on health and the result is a very profitable business model.

Call if you would like to discuss. I don't mind sharing.
forum members who purchase 'web generated leads' spend on each type of available lead, and which returns the best ROI. I've seen prices all over the board. I've read where the various leads sources are great, good, bad, suck...etc... I've seen posts that this kind or that kind of lead is good, bad.

I have had experiences with many of the lead providers but either I'm not buying enough leads; I'm purchasing from the wrong vendors, or ??????; and it's the ?????, I am having trouble with.

I have had to decrease my 4th quarter lead budget, but still need to make $$'s near what I make now. I have added responsibilities, less working time and less available lead budget so I would appreciate any advice as to where
I might best put my available lead money?

What's that old saying? "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas?"

There is NO one answer - you've got to test for yourself.

Seems like you look at lead generation as a cost, as opposed to looking at it as an investment...

Wouldn't suggest you "cut your budget", you're asking to be put into a "death spiral".

If anything, FIND a way to increase it!
Do you find that it works better than imbedded agent page links and do you find it disadvantages you on products such as american republic ( i assume you are with Pinnacle too)
Quotit runs me about $80/mo (I pay quarterly) plus another $30 (believe that is right) for the autoresponder. I just added the AR a month ago and could kick myself for not adding it earlier.

Nope, not with Pinnacle. Nice folks but they don't have anything I need. If I sold gap plans (and I don't) their's is probably one of the best. I looked at, and got approved with American Republic but once I got the underwriting guide and saw the paper app I threw it all away.
thanks, they now have an agent completed online application and tele app it works good do u like the auto quote sytems over just putting ur personal carrier link on site.
Still have no use for American Republic. Same with Consumer Life, Celtic, World and other 2nd tier carriers.

I don't recall the set up fee. $200 maybe?