looking for leads.. supplements only


looking to sell supplements.. did ok with fe.. but too many chargebacks and deals were sent to many agents. and clients bought several plans within a few days.. bad...
did ok with mapd but too much changeover during mapd and those tv commericals..
Want to only sell supplements.. closed deals..? leads?? etc.. anytrhing??
what you got send private message or emai.. [email protected]
looking to sell supplements.. did ok with fe.. but too many chargebacks and deals were sent to many agents. and clients bought several plans within a few days.. bad...
did ok with mapd but too much changeover during mapd and those tv commericals..
Want to only sell supplements.. closed deals..? leads?? etc.. anytrhing??
what you got send private message or emai.. [email protected]
Buy a data list from YourListStore and door knock the old fogies. :yes:
Buy a data list from YourListStore and door knock the old fogies. :yes:

looking to sell supplements.. did ok with fe.. but too many chargebacks and deals were sent to many agents. and clients bought several plans within a few days.. bad...
did ok with mapd but too much changeover during mapd and those tv commericals..
Want to only sell supplements.. closed deals..? leads?? etc.. anytrhing??
what you got send private message or emai.. [email protected]

Mapd can’t be sold over the phone using leads and you having any success . It’s low income people and they’ll flip . You must be face to face and touch these people a few times a yr . I saved 7 mapd this month only because I saved them in person . According to root you can successfully sell fe on the phone . I don’t disagree . But saving nsfs hell on the phone . People never pick up and give you excuses .Medicare sup is a fast shrinking mkt . You’ll have to hire a $3 and hr Philippino to pound the phone in multiple states .
hmmh phillipines. done that..

There’s no other way to get med sup leads only. Most med sup people middle to upper income . There not going to respond well to Facebook or social media ads . Med sup a shrinking mkt . Most of that business is going to be referral type . Maybe seminars .
Buy a data list from YourListStore and door knock the old fogies. :yes:
Damn. I'm agreeing with him again.

I buy the same lists but I don't knock anymore. I call them. Just be sure to scrub your list. Don't depend on your lead vendor to do it for you.

I'm 100% virtual nowadays. I was doing it virtual long before Covid came to town. I get a kick out of the new guys talking about their Zoom meetings. Us old guys were doing zoom meetings way back in the 70's. We'd get in our cars and zoom across town so we wouldn't be late for an appointment.

The secret to getting a good list for supps is in your filters. I set my minimum income for a supp list at $20,000. Anything less than that and you're calling the broke folks.

I only work 2 or 3 days a week now. But I still average 2 or 3 apps a week that come in from different sources. Referrals, newspaper ads and such. Whatever I need to keep my funnel full.

An example would be this morning. Every Tuesday morning I go down to one of our local funeral homes to drink coffee with my buds. Most guys my age hang out at Burger King or McDonalds. I came out this morning with three FE referrals. You're not going to get that at Burger King.

As far as the funeral home, I go down there mainly to hang out and shoot the breeze. They have good coffee and it's free and I get paid to drink it.

They buy it from a local coffee company. Ain't my fault I own the coffee company.
looking to sell supplements.. did ok with fe.. but too many chargebacks and deals were sent to many agents. and clients bought several plans within a few days.. bad...
did ok with mapd but too much changeover during mapd and those tv commericals..
Want to only sell supplements.. closed deals..? leads?? etc.. anytrhing??
what you got send private message or emai.. [email protected]

We just launched our new lead program. Check it out here... TRKingIM.com/Leadstream
Buy a data list from YourListStore and door knock the old fogies. :yes:

A friend of mine owns a business that has been struggling with sales lately and she asked if I'd help out with some cold calling. She had bought a telemarketing list but none of her current salespeople want to cold call.

She spent $900 for 9000 consumer records, and the data is garbage. Easily 50% of the numbers not in service.

Any feedback Tom on the quality of the data YourListStore?

Though I don't know that I'd have the heart to tell her she could have had 5X the data for $50.
A friend of mine owns a business that has been struggling with sales lately and she asked if I'd help out with some cold calling. She had bought a telemarketing list but none of her current salespeople want to cold call.

She spent $900 for 9000 consumer records, and the data is garbage. Easily 50% of the numbers not in service.

Any feedback Tom on the quality of the data YourListStore?

Though I don't know that I'd have the heart to tell her she could have had 5X the data for $50.
I think the quality is great for $50. Josh claims average accuracy @ 87% on the website. That sounds about right. Always great customer service when I had problems figuring out how to get a list ready to print. :yes: