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Looking for new IMO

I currently work with Primerica and am not happy with the structuring. I want to continue doing the same work for clients (selling term life insurance and offering financial guidance and planning). I have not been happy with the lack of formal training, development, and leadership. Recruiting is the main focus, which I would be fine with if the training were sufficient. When I recruit a teammate in, I am relying on my upline to train/develop/lead them. Unfortunately, my upline needs improvement in this area, so my team and I are left to figure it out for ourselves. Because of this, I am focusing on obtaining and servicing clients. Unfortunately, the commission structure does not favor those who do not recruit.
I am looking for a financial services broker that pays based on sales performance, not recruiting. I am open to suggestions and will be thoroughly researching before I make any decisions.

Do you only want to sell term? Or is that just primerica talking?
Why do you need traing to sell term? I send my term cases to The Marcus Agency. Todd Landau is one of the best at giving an accurate tentative quote. You will need this with impaired risk. If I could buy a good lead now I would sell a lot more than I do. Years ago when leads were not resold a dozen times and did not cost a fortune I made good money just selling term.
Why do you need traing to sell term? I send my term cases to The Marcus Agency. Todd Landau is one of the best at giving an accurate tentative quote. You will need this with impaired risk. If I could buy a good lead now I would sell a lot more than I do. Years ago when leads were not resold a dozen times and did not cost a fortune I made good money just selling term.

You are buying leads from the wrong places then. The leads I use are not ever resold.
You don't focus on term. FE is a totally different market. You either generate your own term leads or buy what you can find and hope for the best.

TermProvider is a local agency that only sells term and lots of it. That's where you will find Big Lou. They won't quote a face with a premium lower than $1000AP. They know nothing about FE.
You don't focus on term. FE is a totally different market. You either generate your own term leads or buy what you can find and hope for the best.

TermProvider is a local agency that only sells term and lots of it. That's where you will find Big Lou. They won't quote a face with a premium lower than $1000AP. They know nothing about FE.
Big Lou got a lead on me around 8-years ago and it may have been legit. But he has called me every year since illegally. But at least he is professional enough to keep it to once a year and he sounds like he has some sense. He probably does very well.
Why do you need traing to sell term? I send my term cases to The Marcus Agency. Todd Landau is one of the best at giving an accurate tentative quote. You will need this with impaired risk. If I could buy a good lead now I would sell a lot more than I do. Years ago when leads were not resold a dozen times and did not cost a fortune I made good money just selling term.
You're doing the right thing.

You 100% need that with impaired risk. If you do that with generic term leads (assuming one and done type sales, not referrals or organic leads), you're going to lose a lot of deals (a lot of agents will just quote best class, then go down the road you initially do when that's not a realistic offer).

The client is often committed anyway to that carrier/agent that gave them the BS quote and doesn't want to go through the process again so they take what they can get.

I give a super wide range after getting the majority of the health info. I rarely miss to the downside when I have their build/meds/any conditions they had that they're no longer on meds for...

It is a terrible business model (not getting a lot of info up front to be accurate with your quotes) but I run into it often. Then I'm left trying to pick up the pieces and shift them to reality.
Most agents quote P+ no matter what to get the app and then have to resell the policy once it is issued at s higher rate. Had many come back to me after they found out I was quoting them accurately. If I can get someone to tell me the whole truth I shop the case if there are impairments. My slogan was "I strive to give you a quote that will be the price you will pay when your policy is issued".
You don't focus on term. FE is a totally different market. You either generate your own term leads or buy what you can find and hope for the best.

TermProvider is a local agency that only sells term and lots of it. That's where you will find Big Lou. They won't quote a face with a premium lower than $1000AP. They know nothing about FE.

I did focus on term for 4 years and did not have the problems you describe.
I currently work with Primerica and am not happy with the structuring. I want to continue doing the same work for clients (selling term life insurance and offering financial guidance and planning). I have not been happy with the lack of formal training, development, and leadership. Recruiting is the main focus, which I would be fine with if the training were sufficient. When I recruit a teammate in, I am relying on my upline to train/develop/lead them. Unfortunately, my upline needs improvement in this area, so my team and I are left to figure it out for ourselves. Because of this, I am focusing on obtaining and servicing clients. Unfortunately, the commission structure does not favor those who do not recruit.
I am looking for a financial services broker that pays based on sales performance, not recruiting. I am open to suggestions and will be thoroughly researching before I make any decisions.

Being newer its surely a bummer to feel "stuck", I had heard that before I came in and made sure I was not limited to that. Were you able to find a new home? I knew PA was very recr focused...but I don't know much more beyond that. I'm new to writing, but a long time veteran of leading, building and training teams with systems - basically duplication and personal growth.... So I know exactly what you mean and refer to. I as well chose an IMO that offers the building, and then own agency break off, but comm is sales focused. Me, being less strong in sales, but 12+ years of building/developing leaders it is a great balance for me. The IMO already had a very nice and strong development and are very agent centric.
My upline and I both came from a diff industry where leadership, training etc... was the primary thing we did. So we came to this place with the intention to branch out those strengths. And...we wouldn't ever be part of anything that we couldn't "will" or pass onto our loved ones when we passed ever again. We do debt, term, annuity, disab, etc.... But I have not gotten into the debt/annuity myselt yet.