Looking for opnions on best way to start

Hi- I am new to this forum, and have been looking around and have found alot of useful information.

What I am looking for is opnions on my situation, if anyone would be so kind as to give them.

I currently am working full time for a large finance company as a Life Insurance case manager. I have been with this company for about 6 months and am not fully enjoying it. I came from working for my father as an independant insurance agent and liked it very much, but unfortunatly he sold the business.
I am considering going to work for a captive agent, captive meaning like a State Farm or Allstate, as an agent. They offer monthly compenstation while you are getting started which would pay my bills. My question is I would need to get my licenses again which could take about 2 months. I am considering quiting my current job so I can get the licenses quickly and taking out a "start-up" loan to help pay my bills while I am taking the licenseing classes. I would also use some of this money as "start-up" money to promote the business and lease office space.

What are your opnions on this, any suggestions, ideas, better options, ect.? Any input would be great.

p.s. I do have 'real world' business experience, I have owned a restaurant / bar for about 3+ years.
Hi- I am new to this forum, and have been looking around and have found alot of useful information.

What I am looking for is opnions on my situation, if anyone would be so kind as to give them.

I currently am working full time for a large finance company as a Life Insurance case manager. I have been with this company for about 6 months and am not fully enjoying it. I came from working for my father as an independant insurance agent and liked it very much, but unfortunatly he sold the business.
I am considering going to work for a captive agent, captive meaning like a State Farm or Allstate, as an agent. They offer monthly compenstation while you are getting started which would pay my bills. My question is I would need to get my licenses again which could take about 2 months. I am considering quiting my current job so I can get the licenses quickly and taking out a "start-up" loan to help pay my bills while I am taking the licenseing classes. I would also use some of this money as "start-up" money to promote the business and lease office space.

What are your opnions on this, any suggestions, ideas, better options, ect.? Any input would be great.

p.s. I do have 'real world' business experience, I have owned a restaurant / bar for about 3+ years.

You shouldn't need to quit your day before you get your licenses and I would advice against it as you need to pay your bills and you already have a job that pays you. You can study at night and on weekends, take a few days of from work for any classroom training applicable in your state and for the test. ONCE you have your license, you can make a decision to work from home at first. Worry about a physcial office space once you are established. Pick your niche, find some good GA's, put together a complete business plan and start selling....