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LTC Commission

Re: LTC/Federal Commission

From today's issue of Center for LTC Reform:

CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY Health Beat News reported today that the federal LTC Commission has completed its deliberations but deadlocked on long-term care financing recommendations. According to an anonymous leaker: “With respect to financing long-term care . . . some liberals on the commission favored an approach involving new taxes and new government programs, while conservatives pushed for incentives to encourage people to plan for their own long-term care, such as promoting products combining life annuities with long-term care insurance.” Bipartisan agreement was reached on some unspecified recommendations related to LTC workforce issues. LTC Comment: This is probably the best outcome we could have hoped for from this panel which was stacke d in favor of government financing advocates. It looks like a new CLASS Act modified to make it compulsory, which we feared a majority of the Commission would favor, didn’t make the cut.
I guess the big questions aren't lurking anymore.

they punted.

same old same old.