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Marketing Medicare Supplements to Age 66 - 68

If I were to do a direct mail campaign, would 66-78 be a good range to request? :biggrin:

I would do 68 to 74, as the health quality (ability TO replace) changes significantly (based on a recent Canadian study of disability in seniors) at age 75.

I would also use Chris Ethridge at LeadConnections.com as he's very honest and effective with direct mail.
You make a good point about becoming diluted. My original question, when I found this thread, was determining an age range for MS.

If I were to do a direct mail campaign, would 66-78 be a good range to request? :biggrin:

Almost half maybe a little less, 4/10 of the folks I talk to t65 are still working and have group coverage. It use not to be this way. A lot of mail/money is getting wasted by the big boys targeting these folks.
I would like to hear others numbers on this.
Almost half maybe a little less, 4/10 of the folks I talk to t65 are still working and have group coverage. It use not to be this way. A lot of mail/money is getting wasted by the big boys targeting these folks.
I would like to hear others numbers on this.

I would tend to agree. My old man didn't finally pick up Part B until he was 68. Becoming more and more common.
I would do 68 to 74, as the health quality (ability TO replace) changes significantly (based on a recent Canadian study of disability in seniors) at age 75.

I would also use Chris Ethridge at LeadConnections.com as he's very honest and effective with direct mail.

Good information and a thumbs up. Thanks.
Mostly cold calling. I also do seminars about once a month for medicare

for life, I do mailers
Axeman462 - I am concidering conducting medicare seminars in my area of NC. Do you mind sharing what information you have found to be most beneficial when conducting a seminar, what you cover?? Thanks!