Memorial Day is Coming Up - Will You Take the Day Off...

or do something different?

First off, I know what Memorial Day is officially about. I got it. But you don't necessarily have to take a full day off from work to honor veterans who died in the service of our country. You can do something else.

Or, as the person everybody around here loves, Dave Ramsey, says - "If you want to live like no one else, you've got to live like no one else".

So, you can spend all day Monday doing nothing, or you can take a few hours and cold walk residences, cold call, or get in touch with people who have been eluding you.

Last year, I got out my goofy looking American flag tie, put on a long sleeve dress shirt (no Dwight Shrewt here) and my American Legion pin, and went after it.

I door knocked at some neighborhoods that I'd been after for a while, and got to see LOTS of people. And they were nice, I was offered ribs and sweet tea on more than one occasion, and I had some great success getting in front of people who I'd never be able to get in front of on a normal day.

So, take from this what you will, but you have an opportunity on Monday to, while still honoring those who gave their lives for our country, to do something for yourself as well.
Get up before the rest of the family.
Think about making some calls.

I will go to a service at the Memorial Cemetery. Take a small flag to some family and friend's graves. Thank God that one of the flags is not for my son. (funny because I do not pray) Shed a tear for other's sons and daughters.

Kinda think about making some calls

Go to have some Chili Verde and eggs w/ corn tortillas

Maybe think about making some calls.

Come home and load the cooler with beer and ice.
Maybe pop just one as I clean the pool for the kids.

Know that I ain't making no stink'n calls.

Have a couple more cold ones.
My boy and I will try not to think about the sons and daughters getting shot at or blown up as I grill a couple Tri tip. He will tell his little brothers that they are not going in. I will tell him that it will be their decision. But hope he is right.

We will have a good time, laugh, swim, eat and drink. But there will be a sadness in my and my son's heart.

To all Blue Star and Gold Star families. I and mine thank you for your service and sacrifice to our Country.
Freedom is not free.
The last couple years, I've had success cold calling in the morning. Till about 11:30. Then I pretty much call it a day. Pool and steaks on the grill. Mabee stop by the Amer Legion post as I am a vet.
I've worked it in the past, but I'm taking the day off this year. On the Company side, most underwriters are not in, so as a broker it's pretty much impossible to move quotes along.
So, you can spend all day Monday doing nothing, or you can take a few hours and cold walk residences, cold call, or get in touch with people who have been eluding you.

The last couple years, I've had success cold calling in the morning.

Please tell me you guys are kidding. Please.

PS-I can tell you with a great degree of certainty that Dave Ramsey will not be working on Memorial Day.
I am flying to cali and Al and I are going to throw some tofu lobster tails on the grill........

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