• Do you have any victories you'd like to share for the month of May? Help us celebrate others by posting here.

MLM in your face?

Furthermore, you have shown your ignorance about the price. Its actually $20 that we pay. Not only are you chasing a parked car, but you don't even know anything about the car.

Even at $20/bottle it is more expensive than similar products on the market that contain Acai Berry. If you are just looking for health benefits I would be looking at cheaper alternatives.
C'mon, you wouldn't spend any dough on anything that wasn't working, right? That's why I was pretty darn amazed at the MonaVie story I heard last week. It's just not always a matter of price, quality is an issue.

Either way, let's let this one go.
Wasn't it your hero, George Wallace... the patron saint of Alabama (along with Bear Bryant) who said “I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”

Al, since you seem to be losing memory (but not hair) in your old age, I will remind you of what I said about Wallace on another, now closed, thread. Apparently, for you, it isn't good enough that I state my opinion on a subject once. So, here goes.

Wallace was elected for his final term in 1982. My generation was in the 7th grade and a hell of a lot more concerned with a world full of issues that did not involve politics. Most of those issues involved the futile pursuit of certain females...and the occasional zit. I am now 38. That final Wallace term began in 1983 and ended in 1987 which, as a very young high school graduate, was at least two years before I could vote. Since you mention Wallace, you should know Wallace apologized for his earlier segregationist views to black civil rights leaders. He said while he once sought power and glory, he realized he needed to seek love and forgiveness. That, my friend, is the Wallace with which most of us identify. I completely resent the undertones that we support and identify with Wallace during his racist years. We know full well that Wallace had many failures in his past. But, we also know that we respect him for being enough of a man to stand up and admit his wrong and apologize to those whom he had hurt.

As for Bear Bryant. We all know he was the greatest football coach to walk the planet. But, we also realize that he had his issues, as well. I'll leave it at that.

I love your state flag:


I've always wondered if it is symbolic of Alabama's religious fervor (St. Andrew's cross) or your state's literacy rate!

Since you ask, I decided to give you a little history lesson.
The Alabama State Flag as it exists today was adopted on February 16, 1895. The legislature stated, "The flag of the state of Alabama shall be a crimson cross of St. Andrew on a field of white. The bars forming the cross shall be not less than six inches broad, and must extend diagonally across the flag from side to side." The St. Andrew's Cross resembles the letter "X" in the English alphabet and is also referred to as the "saltier" or "Crux Decussata." Andrew, the brother of Peter, was crucified on a cross of this shape. Andrew did not feel worthy enough to die on the same style of cross on which Christ died and requested a cross of another shape. His request was granted and he was crucified upside down on a cross which now bears his name. Rather than using nails to secure his limbs to the cross, Andrew was bound to the cross with ropes. His suffering was thus prolonged. St. Andrew's Cross came into wide use during the Medieval Period and became the national cross of Scotland, since St. Andrew was the patron saint of Scotland.

As for the flag representing our literacy rate: I'll take those who can't read over those who do not know right from wrong, any day.

I don't know, Tim. Sometimes you sound like an "accepting" person and other times... like when abortion or gay rights or welfare or taxes are mentioned... you go ballistic and sound like a bible-thumping know-it-all, right-wing whacko bigot.

Al, I am a very accepting person. If you'd just get to know me, you'd really like me. Just because I accept a person doesn't mean that I condone their lifestyle and cease from calling a strike a strike. Furthermore, I believe that I have been very subdued and calm when referring to issues of faith.

As for being a Bible-thumper...hmmmmm...if believing the Bible constitutes the designation of "thumper", then ok. Guilty, again.

Never claimed to know "it" all. But, I do know what I believe, and why. Your problem with me is that I can articulate it in an intelligent way. If my arguments were not sound, they would not bother you and cause you to "bow up".

Whacko? Now, Al...we've had that conversation before and you apologized for calling me a whacko in another thread. Let's not digress.

Bigot? Give me a break. I supposed that every conservative that disagrees with your liberal views is a bigot, right???

Tim, I really don't believe you are a racist or a bigot. I don't believe you really believe in the silly things you post here. But I don't understand how you can defend the history of your state and beatify Gov. Wallace. I don't think you know much about the history of either.

Al, I believe everything I post. If I say it, I mean it. If I mean it, I say it.

As for defending the state's history: Yes, we have some not-so-good marks on the record. But, even in those issues, the views that were broadcast did not reflect the views of the majority of the citizens. Furthermore, the state has been moving forward for decades. We'd move farther and faster if it weren't for seeing people like you as a possibility of what we're moving toward. People like you make the history look pretty good.

As for Gov. Wallace.... Al, just go back and read up a little higher in this post. No need in a copy/paste job just for that. I know plenty about the history and I know how to forgive and move on.

Tim, learn to live and let live. Leave your religion and your politics in your bedroom when you leave the house or get on the net. You will be happier, everyone around you will be happier... and you will live longer.

Al, THIS is the problem with you liberals. You want conservatives, republicans, Christians, and anyone else with whom you disagree to shut-up when it come to our views...yet, you want full freedom of expression for liberals, democrats, atheists, homosexuals, and every other group that leans to the left. Al, look at it - I engage in conversation with anyone. I don't tell people with whom I disagree to "leave it all in the bedroom". Yep, its fine when Obama is a-preachin'. Yep, its fine when the gays are a-marching and french kissin' each other in the street while young children are having to watch. Yep, its ok when an atheist is talking about how STUPID and uneducated and backwards those Christians are for believing in Intelligent Design and in the Creator. But, you guys simply can't handle it when you run into a conservative who can articulate his viewpoints and not bow to your shrine of liberal god/goddess worship.

The Jackass

Again, that's one thing you got right.
Even at $20/bottle it is more expensive than similar products on the market that contain Acai Berry. If you are just looking for health benefits I would be looking at cheaper alternatives.

And this concerns you because.........

Well, I guess you just needed to post something useless to get that post-count up there so you can recruit.:mad:
Yeah. OK. Let's go! All right! There's the Alabama right-wing whack-o ethic I like to see. Let's blow up someone's church... or better yet lynch them! You sure as hell give it out damn well, but you are a major wus when it's given back to you.

You're the guy in the white shirt and tie holding the sign, right? Looks like you. Yeah, it's you. I remember you well... because I was there.

Hey isn't that Sean Penn just to the right of the policeman?:yes:
I was just thinking the exact same thing! Do you think it's a scene from Valley Girl - the Olden Days?
Hello everyone! I am new to the board . Any suggestions on how to grow your business? Where are good leads available? What is easier to sell life or health?
