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Mutual of Omaha to retire corporate logo

Every nation on this earth has a history of slavery. Why is it only the US criticized for it? I do not know that I had any ancestors that owned slaves. I do know I had ancestors that fought for the north as well as some that fought for the south. Why are all whites being held accountable for slavery? Even those that fought to end it? This garbage is nothing more than an attempt to prolong the victimhood of people.

Well, as a person who has never owned a slave, I do not feel I owe anything.. reparations, apologies or anything else.. to a person who has never been a slave.

Slavery ended 150+ years ago, but equal rights have only existed for about 50 years.

(you are way too old to not recognize that fact, you saw it with your own eyes)

Here in the US, we concentrate on US slavery, because we live in the US.

Its our history. We have no control over other countries, nor are we responsible for their actions. We are responsible for our own actions, so that is the conversation here in the US.

And other countries certainly have had and still have issues and conversation surrounding their role in slavery. It doesnt make US news often because well... its not US news...

BTW, saying "other countries did it or still do it" does not make it ok. Saying "that guy killed someone" does not make it ok for you to kill someone. Your constant comparisons to other countries that did it to justify our actions lack logic and morals.

Are you part of this country? The country as a whole is responsible for those actions. Not any one individual. Nobody is asking you personally to apologize or to be held accountable. Its not even about "white people" being held accountable.

Its about the Country holding ourselves accountable for past moral wrongs.

More than that, its about our Country actually abiding by our Laws and Constitution.

The ideals this country was founded on are what make this country great... the failure to carry out those ideals for all human beings, is this country's greatest failure.

You need to study your history a little more about how many of the folks who eventually settled in the mountains came here,

I have studied it. I know that "mountain folk" (greater appalachia) mainly hailed from N. Ireland and N. England and S. Scotland. Most came here escaping perpetual war... a small minority came here escaping religious persecution. Neither group were escaping a genocide or chattel slavery.

History will also teach you the vast majority of Appalachia fought for the Union (aka, the United States). The majority did not support slavery nor did they support Treason.

Many who did fight for the South from Appalachia did so out of fear of "black rebellion" which was the major form of fear mongering from the oligarch slave owners who controlled everything in the south, especially the press. (this has been documented by many historians via soldiers journals and letters from the time)
Slavery ended 150+ years ago, but equal rights have only existed for about 50 years.

(you are way too old to not recognize that fact, you saw it with your own eyes)

Here in the US, we concentrate on US slavery, because we live in the US.

Its our history. We have no control over other countries, nor are we responsible for their actions. We are responsible for our own actions, so that is the conversation here in the US.

And other countries certainly have had and still have issues and conversation surrounding their role in slavery. It doesnt make US news often because well... its not US news...

BTW, saying "other countries did it or still do it" does not make it ok. Saying "that guy killed someone" does not make it ok for you to kill someone. Your constant comparisons to other countries that did it to justify our actions lack logic and morals.

Are you part of this country? The country as a whole is responsible for those actions. Not any one individual. Nobody is asking you personally to apologize or to be held accountable. Its not even about "white people" being held accountable.

Its about the Country holding ourselves accountable for past moral wrongs.

More than that, its about our Country actually abiding by our Laws and Constitution.

The ideals this country was founded on are what make this country great... the failure to carry out those ideals for all human beings, is this country's greatest failure.

I have studied it. I know that "mountain folk" (greater appalachia) mainly hailed from N. Ireland and N. England and S. Scotland. Most came here escaping perpetual war... a small minority came here escaping religious persecution. Neither group were escaping a genocide or chattel slavery.

History will also teach you the vast majority of Appalachia fought for the Union (aka, the United States). The majority did not support slavery nor did they support Treason.

Many who did fight for the South from Appalachia did so out of fear of "black rebellion" which was the major form of fear mongering from the oligarch slave owners who controlled everything in the south, especially the press. (this has been documented by many historians via soldiers journals and letters from the time)

Could not have said it any better. If you cant understand these clear and concise points its because you choose to be blatantly obstinate due to personal biases.
Slavery ended 150+ years ago, but equal rights have only existed for about 50 years.

(you are way too old to not recognize that fact, you saw it with your own eyes)

Here in the US, we concentrate on US slavery, because we live in the US.

Its our history. We have no control over other countries, nor are we responsible for their actions. We are responsible for our own actions, so that is the conversation here in the US.

And other countries certainly have had and still have issues and conversation surrounding their role in slavery. It doesnt make US news often because well... its not US news...

BTW, saying "other countries did it or still do it" does not make it ok. Saying "that guy killed someone" does not make it ok for you to kill someone. Your constant comparisons to other countries that did it to justify our actions lack logic and morals.

Are you part of this country? The country as a whole is responsible for those actions. Not any one individual. Nobody is asking you personally to apologize or to be held accountable. Its not even about "white people" being held accountable.

Its about the Country holding ourselves accountable for past moral wrongs.

More than that, its about our Country actually abiding by our Laws and Constitution.

The ideals this country was founded on are what make this country great... the failure to carry out those ideals for all human beings, is this country's greatest failure.

I have studied it. I know that "mountain folk" (greater appalachia) mainly hailed from N. Ireland and N. England and S. Scotland. Most came here escaping perpetual war... a small minority came here escaping religious persecution. Neither group were escaping a genocide or chattel slavery.

History will also teach you the vast majority of Appalachia fought for the Union (aka, the United States). The majority did not support slavery nor did they support Treason.

Many who did fight for the South from Appalachia did so out of fear of "black rebellion" which was the major form of fear mongering from the oligarch slave owners who controlled everything in the south, especially the press. (this has been documented by many historians via soldiers journals and letters from the time)
So, reparations is the answer? What's the solution? What would you have this white boy do?
Whites have been caricatured too.

There's no shortage of ridicule for rednecks and hillbillies.
Your comments read as though The US is in danger of re-instituting slavery. I'd fight against that but I'm totally in favor of bringing back the indentured servant program.
Slavery ended 150+ years ago, but equal rights have only existed for about 50 years.

(you are way too old to not recognize that fact, you saw it with your own eyes)

Here in the US, we concentrate on US slavery, because we live in the US.

Its our history. We have no control over other countries, nor are we responsible for their actions. We are responsible for our own actions, so that is the conversation here in the US.

And other countries certainly have had and still have issues and conversation surrounding their role in slavery. It doesnt make US news often because well... its not US news...

BTW, saying "other countries did it or still do it" does not make it ok. Saying "that guy killed someone" does not make it ok for you to kill someone. Your constant comparisons to other countries that did it to justify our actions lack logic and morals.

Are you part of this country? The country as a whole is responsible for those actions. Not any one individual. Nobody is asking you personally to apologize or to be held accountable. Its not even about "white people" being held accountable.

Its about the Country holding ourselves accountable for past moral wrongs.

More than that, its about our Country actually abiding by our Laws and Constitution.

The ideals this country was founded on are what make this country great... the failure to carry out those ideals for all human beings, is this country's greatest failure.

I have studied it. I know that "mountain folk" (greater appalachia) mainly hailed from N. Ireland and N. England and S. Scotland. Most came here escaping perpetual war... a small minority came here escaping religious persecution. Neither group were escaping a genocide or chattel slavery.

History will also teach you the vast majority of Appalachia fought for the Union (aka, the United States). The majority did not support slavery nor did they support Treason.

Many who did fight for the South from Appalachia did so out of fear of "black rebellion" which was the major form of fear mongering from the oligarch slave owners who controlled everything in the south, especially the press. (this has been documented by many historians via soldiers journals and letters from the time)
You and others keep ascribing motives to me that are incorrect. I am not claiming that the fact "others do it" somehow makes it right that we did it. I am simply questioning why people do not take a stand against all slavery not just what occurred here. Yes, I am well aware of segregated America. I remember the "colored" drinking fountains, restrooms, waiting rooms, etc. I remember "colored" coming to the back door of the restaurant and getting their orders to go. I also remember the so called 'separate but equal" schools. ... None of that was right. But that has passed but some seem to give no credit for that. The "average" BLM protestor has not experienced any of that personally.

A side observation, even as a young kid I asked why it was OK for us to eat food prepared by black hands in a restaurant, but they could not sit beside us and eat a meal. Never made any sense to me.
So, reparations is the answer? What's the solution? What would you have this white boy do?
Whites have been caricatured too.

There's no shortage of ridicule for rednecks and hillbillies.
Your comments read as though The US is in danger of re-instituting slavery. I'd fight against that but I'm totally in favor of bringing back the indentured servant program.

Surely you are kidding? Can you imagine how some of the wealthy would take advantage of someone who was in desperate straits? Slavery is wrong, voluntary or not. In the past many of the indentured servants were treated on a par with the chattel slaves. Don't think it would be any better this time around.
I think you all are missing the forest because of a tree...

Slavery has never ended.
All colors have and are being in slaved.
It's a world problem.
Sex trafficking is the on the rise world wide... and here in the USA.
Who is pleading their case?

We argue the past and we aren't even seeing the present.
Surely you are kidding? Can you imagine how some of the wealthy would take advantage of someone who was in desperate straits? Slavery is wrong, voluntary or not. In the past many of the indentured servants were treated on a par with the chattel slaves. Don't think it would be any better this time around.
Nope. I'm totally cereal. We've been thru this before. Hop Sing, Cato, Higgins, Jeanie are the arrangements I have in mind. Of course, there would need to be safeguards against abuse.

Taking advantage is what we all do. If money represents a part of your life (and it does) we all stay busy trying to suck the life from others while preserving our own.

Having foreigners registered and providing service in exchange for a shot at the American dream beats 12 million illegal residents. It most likely would be a huge opportunity for those foreigners too. Why don't you want to give them opportunity? How dare you!!??

It's like Mike McConnell taught me decades ago. Sweat shops are a preferable means of survival when the alternatives are worse. If people are so desperate to come here illegally, let's make use of them and have them earn the improvements they seek. It's a win win proposition.

I say, send me a nice Russian girl to maintain my house and whatnot for 5 years then give her citizenship. She can go to night school after she mows. I prefer brunettes.
Nope. I'm totally cereal. We've been thru this before. Hop Sing, Cato, Higgins, Jeanie are the arrangements I have in mind. Of course, there would need to be safeguards against abuse.

Taking advantage is what we all do. If money represents a part of your life (and it does) we all stay busy trying to suck the life from others while preserving our own.

Having foreigners registered and providing service in exchange for a shot at the American dream beats 12 million illegal residents. It most likely would be a huge opportunity for those foreigners too. Why don't you want to give them opportunity? How dare you!!??

It's like Mike McConnell taught me decades ago. Sweat shops are a preferable means of survival when the alternatives are worse. If people are so desperate to come here illegally, let's make use of them and have them earn the improvements they seek. It's a win win proposition.

I say, send me a nice Russian girl to maintain my house and whatnot for 5 years then give her citizenship. She can go to night school after she mows. I prefer brunettes.
You don't have to indenture them to give them opportunity. A green card will do just fine. If you mistreat them, they can quit and go to work for someone else.
I dont disagree that some Native Americans do not find it offensive. But a majority do. Every poll taken "for the team" was exactly that... for the team. Academic and scientific experts who specialize in polling methods have found huge flaws in these so called polls and studies. The Washington Post poll for instance surveyed 500 people who "identify as native american"... not who they certified were native american... any Elizabeth Warren could have responded to that poll...

Polls taken among true native americans are usually split, or slightly in majority of it being offensive. But if you look at demographics under the age of 60, and those who strongly identify as native american, it is a true majority that feel its offensive.

There are a lot of articles out there detailing the issues in those so called studies claiming 90% feel its ok. Wikipedia isnt a bad starting point: Washington Redskins name opinion polls - Wikipedia
I know polls get skewed (sometimes purposefully so) by both the parameters of the sample as well as the way the questions are phrased. I don’t doubt that many Native Americans are offended by the Washington Redskins branding.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find a range of feeling toward the Redskins from pride on one end of the spectrum, to ambivalence in the middle, and outrage at the other end. As I alluded to previously, the Native American community is not one big homogenous group. Before the US took control of all of the Native lands, there were several hundred nations and cultures with both alliances and enmities among them. The historic experience of the Omaha people is a great example, in that they arrived in Nebraska after being pushed out of the Ohio valley by member groups of the Iroquois confederacy.

In my opinion, the biggest problem with the Redskins logo is that the branding is somehow supposed to be representative of all North American indigenous people groups. The MOO logo, on the other hand, is tied by the corporate name to just one people group, which leads me back to my original point: Has anyone from MOO asked the Omaha people what they think of the logo?