My One Year Anniversary!

Here's the bottom line. Unless you get a min of 20 dm leads every single week and have 12 -14 sits a week and make 110-120% fyc
you're not going to make much of a living the first yr. There lies the quandry. You need $500 a week for 10-15 straight weeks buying 20 leads each and every week, As you get to that 10th week you'll have 50-80 dm leads you couldn't get hold of over that previous first 10-15 weeks. So add the 20 leads you get every week and then out of the 50-80 you get 3-5 sits then all of a sudden you're at 15-17 sits each and every week. Your 60-100 leads should stay constant as every week out of your 20 leads you won't be able to contact about 6-10 of them. So every week even though you take 3-5 sits out of old leads your bucket should actually grow. But the kicker is you need $7-$10k just for leads over that first 3-4 months. Throw in some lead credits from an snl and several other co's and things can start snow balling.But just like any business you got to have the money to start it and explode out of the gate. I think Amber what hurt you is you were undercapitalized and i think you'll admit that. But to make things worse you still pay $26 for your leads threw efes but you only make 80-90%.Just think if you made full street and bought 20 leads a week how would things be different?Good Luck

EFES doesn't charge more than $24 per lead. But I do agree why would a seasoned or even new agent take $24 leads at 80%-90% commission when you can get street contracts and go through 360 or Fex and pay only $26-$28 per lead.