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Need help generating leads through FB


New Member
Hey Guys and Gals,

I am new to generating my own leads and need some help in doing it. I have a few questions that I would like answered if possible.

1. What Landing page or site will I need to start this? Which place has the best?
2. What will be the best quoting engine I need for my landing page?
3. I am a Life agent and what can I offer to help people to pull the trigger?
4. What will be the best way to follow up with them?

I probably have more questions as these get answered. Thanks for the help.

In my opinion, Facebook leads are a waste of time, money and effort. Most people go to Facebook to see pictures of their cousins, siblings and exes. I've found that leads from the top search engines are way better because people go there to BUY! Good luck!
In my opinion, Facebook leads are a waste of time, money and effort.
That's true for ANY type of lead, if you don't know what you're doing.

Most people go to Facebook to see pictures of their cousins, siblings and exes. I've found that leads from the top search engines are way better because people go there to BUY! Good luck!
You need good skills to generate leads on any platform. Perhaps your skills are better with search engines than with FB? Just saying :-)
Saying Facebook advertising doesn't work is the same as saying newspaper, radio and television advertising didn't work in their prime. And they still work to this day, simply not as well as in the past. You are blaming the medium for your lack of understand in how to effectively use it.
Hey Guys and Gals,

I am new to generating my own leads and need some help in doing it. I have a few questions that I would like answered if possible.

1. What Landing page or site will I need to start this? Which place has the best?
2. What will be the best quoting engine I need for my landing page?
3. I am a Life agent and what can I offer to help people to pull the trigger?
4. What will be the best way to follow up with them?

I probably have more questions as these get answered. Thanks for the help.


I think FB lead generation is deceptively difficult for most insurance agents. I know in my case, when I try to use my sales speech in marketing it comes across terribly and doesn't work. Most salespeople have no idea how to market and I feel like my salesy speech may work against me. For instance, I've generated zero leads with around $100 invested using what I believe to be good wording (from a sales perspective, not marketing). My mother has run her own ads in the same area (with typos!!) and generated 2 leads with addresses for $5! LOL. She has absolutely no clue what she's doing but she talks like a normal person and apparently people like that. Also, FB marketing has much less to do with the wording than the targeting. I've seen ads that seriously look like shit perform well because they were targeted properly. Similarly, a great ad poorly targeted won't accomplish anything.

The point is, the skill set required for successful online marketing is completely different than the skill set required for successful insurance sales. And generating FB leads requires MARKETING knowledge, not insurance and sales knowledge. When I consider the amount of time it would take me to reduce my CAC to what I would buy these leads for, it becomes obvious I am much better off paying someone else to generate these leads.

Of course, some people will naturally be able to generate their own leads, but I think most won't be able to easily. I would recommend ditching the idea and buying FB leadsd if you don't find it works quickly for you as it's a large time commitment and your time is most likely best spent elsewhere.
In my opinion, Facebook leads are a waste of time, money and effort. Most people go to Facebook to see pictures of their cousins, siblings and exes. I've found that leads from the top search engines are way better because people go there to BUY! Good luck!

People watch TV to see their favorite shows and watch their favorite teams play sports. They also respond to TV commercials.

I've been able to get FB ads to work. However, it took me over a year of trial, error and study to figure it out for my niche.

Selling is an important part of marketing, but it is just one aspect.

I had to learn some direct marketing principles that were new to me. These include how to target, how to write content and copy and how to test.

It can be done. It wasn't quick or easy for me. But it can be done.

1. What Landing page or site will I need to start this? Which place has the best?
2. What will be the best quoting engine I need for my landing page?
3. I am a Life agent and what can I offer to help people to pull the trigger?
4. What will be the best way to follow up with them?

It sounds like you want to use a Google Adwords model with FB. I don't think you can make that work for insurance.

You'll probably have to use some form of content marketing to nurture the leads before you go for a sale.
Hey Guys and Gals,

I am new to generating my own leads and need some help in doing it. I have a few questions that I would like answered if possible.

1. What Landing page or site will I need to start this? Which place has the best?
2. What will be the best quoting engine I need for my landing page?
3. I am a Life agent and what can I offer to help people to pull the trigger?
4. What will be the best way to follow up with them?

I probably have more questions as these get answered. Thanks for the help.


No one is going to share this info for free...hire an agency or just buy the leads.

You'll get the leads for much less if you work with an agency but you'll also have risk and more out of pocket expenses.

In my opinion, unless you want to just generate leads and not sell anything (because learning this will take the majority of your time), this should be an activity in which money is better spent than time.
No one is going to share this info for free...hire an agency or just buy the leads.

You'll get the leads for much less if you work with an agency but you'll also have risk and more out of pocket expenses.

In my opinion, unless you want to just generate leads and not sell anything (because learning this will take the majority of your time), this should be an activity in which money is better spent than time.

Whats a good agency for this?