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Need Help on My Cold Call Script

Stay in control of the situation. Do not leave messages. Do not ask a client to call you back. Ask them what time you can call back. If a client offers you a meeting time, don't take it. If they say "how about 7 on thursday" you say back "I can't do 7, but I can do 715. I'll see you then". Any leads you couldn't get on the phone or didn't set, take them with you when you run appointments, if someone stands you up, go do a knock and talk.

Good info. Let me ask you this. The one thing I always end up with is a certain number of leads who never, and I mean never answer the phone. You can call random times, multiple times, wait for a few days try to catch them. Block your number, don't block it. They just screen every damn call and won't answer the phone, even though they put their phone down on the lead. You say never leave a message. I've heard mixed reviews from people working the mortgage leads to leave or not leave a message. Do you always go knock on their door? I haven't done it, but I did run into an agent who swears by it and she says it gets her at least an extra sale per week or more by door knocking on the hard to reach leads. What has been your experience with door knocking on the people who won't answer their phones?
I carry the leads with me that wont answer or don't answer the phone with me when I go just in case I get stood up so I can do knock and talks. It FEELS to me like its a better use of time to take the stand up applications and just leave them 1 message to call back if they want a follow up appointment then go to a non-set appointment between appointments, or if you have a 1 hour plus gap.
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The overall sell rate seems lower on knock and talks than set appointments, espically if you want to close in 1 visit, but its still worth doing in my opinion.
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Good info. Let me ask you this. The one thing I always end up with is a certain number of leads who never, and I mean never answer the phone. You can call random times, multiple times, wait for a few days try to catch them. Block your number, don't block it. They just screen every damn call and won't answer the phone, even though they put their phone down on the lead. You say never leave a message. I've heard mixed reviews from people working the mortgage leads to leave or not leave a message. Do you always go knock on their door? I haven't done it, but I did run into an agent who swears by it and she says it gets her at least an extra sale per week or more by door knocking on the hard to reach leads. What has been your experience with door knocking on the people who won't answer their phones?

One of the things that I find with those leads is to first make sure that the phone number provided is to that person. I use www.whitepages.com and do a reverse lookup to make sure it is theres. If it comes up with no match then I search for their name. I have found that when people get in a hurry they make mistakes. I always have 5 or 6 who can't remember the phone number they have.
You say never leave a message. I've heard mixed reviews from people working the mortgage leads to leave or not leave a message.

If you leave some sort of boring, just-like-everybody-else message ("I'm calling about your request for info on life insurance..."), then I agree it's worthless.

If you leave a creative message, that gives them a reason to call you back, then you've got a shot.
If you leave some sort of boring, just-like-everybody-else message ("I'm calling about your request for info on life insurance..."), then I agree it's worthless.

If you leave a creative message, that gives them a reason to call you back, then you've got a shot.

I worked contract deal before with a credit union. It was great there. All you had to do was tell them you were with the credit union and needed them to call you back. 99.99% did because they freaked out thinking something was wrong with their checking or savings account.
Hey (client first name), this is (your first name) call me back there was something I need to ask you about, my number is (insert number) if you misplaced it.
Although I have never done this, there are some who send a post card to those who don't answer or respond to the phone calls. The card has a message that simply states something to the effect that: "we have been trying to reach you, but have been unable to do so. We have important (or urgent) information for you ----please call 1-800-xxx-xxxx!"
I've learned a couple tricks I figured I could share that are increasing app setting a lot at least on home mortgage leads.

First thing, do not ask to speak to whoever it is you are calling. Just say "Hi, (lead name or name of spouse on lead card), this is (first name only), how are you doing today?"

I've never really agreed with this as if they tell you anything other than "fine", are you really going to suggest calling back when it is convienient. I always ask if they can hear me okay (closed ended question) and proceed to tell them the reason why I am calling. If they tell me they are not interested (and I agree with you I do not use that word in my script either), I respond by acknowledging what they are stating, provide an appropriate response and continue.
If I obtain another objection, where I can tell this is not a good time for them, then I ask if I can call back within a week or so when it may be a better time. If they tell me what the objection is, I note it and use it as part of my opening dialog when I return the call. I have always obtained approval to call back and have made a few sales when calling within a week or so.

Part 2:

NEVER say the word insurance. They probably have an INSURANCE guy. You are providing important things that benefit them. Talk like you already know them, like they are already your client, and your friend.

Now, I am relatively new in the ins biz and, until recently, have only been a captive agent. They taught us that you MUST identify yourself as an insurance agent as it was required by DOI for Florida. Now I do not know if they were blowing smoke, but they really made a big deal out of it, which makes me believe that it is true as they would not to make it more difficult to sell from recycled lists that are shared by several dozen agents...:goofy:

So if someone could tell me if they know if DOI for FL requires the calling agent to identify themselves as an insurance agent, it would be grealty appreciated.

BTW, required or not, I think I would always identify myself an an ins agent as I would not want to begin trying to develop the call misleading the client.

BTW, required or not, I think I would always identify myself an an ins agent as I would not want to begin trying to develop the call misleading the client.

I am not certain on Florida law regarding this but the first thing I do when I get to the appointment is hand them my business card and show them my producers license. I am not in any way saying to mislead people here, just saying to avoid those trigger words as they do lower your appointment setting rate. If they ask on the phone what company I am with I identify myself as an independent insurance agent or a loan officer and tell them who I represent, but I would not lead off the call with that information or you turn it from a phone appointment setting call into a sales call at the introduction of the phone call, and you really will see your numbers drop dramatically if you do that.