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need life insurance quotes


Hello, I am a licensed agent & sold life for years, but am not currently selling. I have a 30 year $500,000 term policy that is 17 years old. After May, I will not be able to convert any of it to permanent insurance (without medical). I will probably convert 50K or 100K of it, but want to see if I can get a better deal elsewhere. My youngest child is 7. If anyone wants to mess with this, I would like to get a quote for $50,000 & $100,000 permanent insurance. I would also like to see if I could get a good deal on the longest term possible of convertible term insurance of maybe $100,000 or more. My biggest concern is, I take gapapentin and duloxetine for nerve pain in my back. I have also always had asthma and take Breo Elipta and albuterol for that. I am 6'1" & weigh about 210 lbs. male. I would appreciate any suggestions. I may get a quote from my auto & home agents (Allstate & Liberty Mutual) and look online but I thought I would check with you guys since I visit the forum occasionally. Thanks in advance!
wino blues at gmail dot com

I would be happy to take a quick look. no obligation to go with me at all.

If you would like for me to take a look email me.
What state?
List of all meds
Any other medical issues?
Anything at all that you feel may be an issue?

nicotine gum (was smoking a pipe occasionally)
duloxetine & gabapentin for nerve pain in back due to osteoarthritis
cpap machine for light apnea
asthma all my life - take Breo-Ellipta to prevent & some type of albuterol for occasional acute needs
My last lab test - everything was in normal range except my ldl cholesterol was a little high - not high enough to take meds

I just called select quote & they quoted me Prudential term essential 15 year term $500k for $65 mo & they quoted Prudential Universal Protector $100k for $113 mo

hope that helps
nicotine gum (was smoking a pipe occasionally)
duloxetine & gabapentin for nerve pain in back due to osteoarthritis
cpap machine for light apnea
asthma all my life - take Breo-Ellipta to prevent & some type of albuterol for occasional acute needs
My last lab test - everything was in normal range except my ldl cholesterol was a little high - not high enough to take meds

I just called select quote & they quoted me Prudential term essential 15 year term $500k for $65 mo & they quoted Prudential Universal Protector $100k for $113 mo

hope that helps

I have sold my share of term. I have done more than a few conversions. I would not count on a price leader term company to offer much in the way of conversion options. If they do, they very well may change what they offer for conversion to a very subpar plan. More likely than not you are as healthy and certainly the youngest as you will ever be. Get what you are going to need today.

Pru is probably a good option as they should give you Std Plus rates for the Nic Gum. Same for the apnea. I would ask for quotes based on Standard and figure your pricing on that due to the different issues.

As opposed to thinking about a someday conversion, consider laddering a permanent plan like the UL with a Term plan. That way you have something when your son is 22. Laddering is simply combining different term plans together. Maybe a 15, 30 and GUL. Or or keep your 13 year term plan and add a GUL.

You did not mention who the 30 year term is with so we do not know if the conversion is even worth considering. Example say it is CNA Valley Forge that is a crazy expensive Whole Life. Or Genworth is their Ready UL not a great long term plan if you are healthy enough to qualify for a different plan.

All of that to say this. I would suggest picking an agent that will be with you the long haul. Not an employee at someone else's agency. There are several here that can help you. Find someone that you can have a conversation with.
Thanks for your thoughts. Mine are similar. I get a little nervous about UL, but the Pru illustration that was sent looked good at the guaranteed rates. It is basically term insurance until age 120. My current carrier is Germania Life, a Texas domiciled company owned by their Farm Mutual. They have 3 plans I can convert to, an extremely competitive whole life with lower cash values (about $79 for $50k), a more expensive participating whole life ($110 mine for $50k) with great cash values, and a 20 pay for just a little more. At this point, I may just convert as much as I can & be done with it. Part of me doesn't want to mess with the paramed.
Thanks for your thoughts. Mine are similar. I get a little nervous about UL, but the Pru illustration that was sent looked good at the guaranteed rates. It is basically term insurance until age 120. My current carrier is Germania Life, a Texas domiciled company owned by their Farm Mutual. They have 3 plans I can convert to, an extremely competitive whole life with lower cash values (about $79 for $50k), a more expensive participating whole life ($110 mine for $50k) with great cash values, and a 20 pay for just a little more. At this point, I may just convert as much as I can & be done with it. Part of me doesn't want to mess with the paramed.

I should have typed GUL.

Conversion to a true Whole Life has a lot of advantages. No contestible period is a big one.
