New from Georgia



Hello Everyone,

I like your forum and feel that I will be able to pick up some ideas as well as share some ideas with everyone. I've been a life agent in the preneed funeral industry since 1988. I'm starting starting an agency which will focus on selling individual health and a variety of senior products. Any comments or ideas will be greatly appreciated.

If you are anywhere in the Atlanta Metro area, give me a call (770) 374-4531. I'm in the Decatur area. I specialize in Life and Health (Individual/Small Group), and would be happy to speak with you. There's another agent on this forum (screen name SOMARCO), who also is here, in Atlanta.
I'm in the Kennesaw area. I'll give you a call. I won't be selling group, but could use a good agent to refer group prospects to.
I am looking to start in insurance. How should I go about becoming licensed and studying for the exam?