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New Non-Invasive Way To Screen For Colon Cancer

Comment on avoiding a colonoscopy: A family member didn't do the colonoscopy 1st time eligible, "too busy". After retiring, and spouse's insistence, finally got one. Stage 1 colon cancer, no chemo or radiation, resection surgery. Now 5 years out, all clear. Does not mind the "inconvenience" of the colonsocopy prep now. Will likely die of something else. Having $100 million to give to charity didn't save Sam Simon, the great guy who just died, one of the creators of "The Simpsons". Could he have lived if his Stage 4 colon cancer found in 2012 was caught at Stage 1?
I don't know how effective the alternate testing is, but, the stakes are pretty high. Hey, we're all about taking precautions, right?
I am absolutely freak out phobic of doctors, hospitals, etc. Stuff has to be falling off me to go to the doctor. But I've had lot's of stuff I've been ignoring for years and never got a colonoscopy when I turned 50.

So finally did it this year. I've got to say it was really no big deal at all. The prep stuff you have to drink was just AllSports drink with some powder in it that had no taste at all. Then you basically have a real bad case of the flu for about 3-hours.

The procedure itself you get knocked out for and wake up happy, happy, happy.

Don't need to do it again for 10-years but next time I won't be scared at all. And to think many people die every year because they were avoiding it just like I was. It's really no big deal.

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