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New to US, Pregnant and No Insurance

I think you stupid to say someone is stupid by following the federal health care law... tea party much?... not sell enough during AEP? take a hit in the bank account?... gotta be one of those cowboy[/QUOTE

Wait...we have to follow the "health care law"?? The guy that signed it into law and spent 700 milliion of our money promoting it isn't even following the law. Be a shill for the masterminds if you want but I won't be joining you. I have my own insurance with the highest deductible that I can get (because I can afford it, cowboy). Liberals/progressives will not understand liberty. I get that. No sense explaining it. My side lost and the country is lost as well. My point is that our country has been over run with pansies that won't handle their own business and that is disturbing. Who guaranteed you or anyone that all the money you make and assets that you acquire should be protected if you get sick/injured and have huge medical bills and didn't buy insurance to cover it? Is that in the Bill of Rights? Wait, progressives don't care about constitutional matters. Rugged individualism is old fashioned but I guess I'm just an old fashioned guy. Liberty equates to freedom. Freedom to choose. Freedom to succeed beyond my widest imagination or fail miserably. I will not surrender any more liberty to the leviathan. Courage of conviction is necessary if you want to live a free life. A country without courage will produce the likes of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.
No sir, you missed the point.... those falling on the sword of principal are dead and cannot alter change....here are the facts, we lost. period. The law is not going to be repealed, period. It is what it is and God gave us the mindset to make smart decisions for our families.

There are thousands of laws that have been passed and put into place that I, and you must follow. Most of these laws I disagree with however as a law abiding citizen I follow them, not picking and choosing the ones I like to follow. Also, just because someone doesn't follow our laws as you say (Obama) dosent mean I now have carte blanche to do as I please.

Also, attempting to call me a liberal or a shrill for suck is comical.... Question: Did you serve as a delegate to the Republicans back in the late 90's? Did you serve in any political capacity of sworn office promoting and being a conservative? Have you ever had a TV camera shoved in your face to explain a vote? Have you ever walked into a restaurant and had a table full of people come harass you because you cut out some program that the table full of people wanted?.... I have and that is where I stood on principle and philosophy however once the vote was counted it was over... move on.

Lastly, I am a capitalist and as one I see the law for what it is, my business which is and has been for the last 20 years.. health insurance
No sir, you missed the point.... those falling on the sword of principal are dead and cannot alter change....here are the facts, we lost. period. The law is not going to be repealed, period. It is what it is and God gave us the mindset to make smart decisions for our families.

There are thousands of laws that have been passed and put into place that I, and you must follow. Most of these laws I disagree with however as a law abiding citizen I follow them, not picking and choosing the ones I like to follow. Also, just because someone doesn't follow our laws as you say (Obama) dosent mean I now have carte blanche to do as I please.

Also, attempting to call me a liberal or a shrill for suck is comical.... Question: Did you serve as a delegate to the Republicans back in the late 90's? Did you serve in any political capacity of sworn office promoting and being a conservative? Have you ever had a TV camera shoved in your face to explain a vote? Have you ever walked into a restaurant and had a table full of people come harass you because you cut out some program that the table full of people wanted?.... I have and that is where I stood on principle and philosophy however once the vote was counted it was over... move on.

Lastly, I am a capitalist and as one I see the law for what it is, my business which is and has been for the last 20 years.. health insurance

Okay you're a big Republican, that makes sense. If you live in Chicago you are going to lay down your weapons? Look, you'll never understand my point of view and you don't have to. I will protect my family outside of obamacare as long as there is any other option. BTW if you're such a big Republican, what have you got against the tea party? You just came across as a huge progressive when you accused me of being a piker and made a dig at the tea party. Those are just such typical progressive tactics.


Big Gin, your other posts in InsuranceForums seem to be more level-headed. What got you so riled up to be a hater today?

I have the flu, maybe that's it.
Okay you're a big Republican, that makes sense. If you live in Chicago you are going to lay down your weapons? Look, you'll never understand my point of view and you don't have to. I will protect my family outside of obamacare as long as there is any other option. BTW if you're such a big Republican, what have you got against the tea party? You just came across as a huge progressive when you accused me of being a piker and made a dig at the tea party. Those are just such typical progressive tactics.

No, I just think the original movement of the Tea Party was good however they have morphed into the very aggressive movement by preaching rebellion. Nether party does well with extreme elements that can be wound up like a spindle top. I have the same problems with the left... What changed in this country is the platform to rile people up.... called the internet

The people like Ted Cruz whom I support are not preaching these rebellious acts, its the element of people that see him filibuster a law on the floor and then they think he just provided marching orders to go to war

In regards to the Chicago gun laws..if I lived there I would follow the law, I may not like it but I would follow because I am an American and we are a country of laws. If I did not like it I could either A) work to change the laws but either electing pols that supported my view or B) move to Texas.
Here's an idea. Pay for it yourself. I was 25 years old and just scraping by with a lawn care "business" that I ran out of my detached garage. We got pregnant and paid for it ourselves. What is wrong with the pansy arse losers in this country that everyone else has to come to your rescue?? Be a man.

You're kidding, right? My friend's wife just gave birth to healthy twins.
If they didn't have insurance, there was no way they could have paid
the $14,000 hospital/doctor bills. Apparently that's the usual cost
these days. :(
You're kidding, right? My friend's wife just gave birth to healthy twins.
If they didn't have insurance, there was no way they could have paid
the $14,000 hospital/doctor bills. Apparently that's the usual cost
these days. :(

Nope. Not kidding. Insurance is recommended. I'm not saying you shouldn't have insurance. I sell insurance. I'm saying that if you didn't prepare for it don't go begging for others to pay for it. Be a man. Live with your decisions.
Nope. Not kidding. Insurance is recommended. I'm not saying you shouldn't have insurance. I sell insurance. I'm saying that if you didn't prepare for it don't go begging for others to pay for it. Be a man. Live with your decisions.

That's the smartest thing I've seen you post on this thread.

Hope you are feeling better!