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Norvax Autoresponder...

I bypass the quoting engine and run the quotes myself after the form info is submitted to me.

I use my own form which has java scripts embedded that prohibit common fake phone numbers, e.g., anything that is toll free (800, 888, etc.) any 4 digit repeats (4444) etc. and of course the infamous 1212 repeater. When these digits are entered, people get an alarm message after they have entered everything else and try to submit. At the very least, I get to pi*ss them off a little which is tit for tat.

I just found that my blood pressure went too high when I used norvax or quotit and kept seeing the same people with the same phone number (555-1212) all day long.

What really confuses me is why people use fake email addresses? I mean how stupid can they get? How do they expect email quotes to be emailed to them??



I also have experimented with little disclaimers that basically tell people HEY - if you are not looking for professional assistance from an agent with 20+ years experience, then you are on the WRONG SITE to start with. Sorry but this is a real site owned by a real agent who actually has YOUR best interest in mind. It is NOT a site owned by norvax or other lead brokers whose ONLY objective is to get you to input data and then SELL IT to hoardes of agents.

Come to think of it, those other lead sites may be at the root cause of this problem - over and over again they keep doing the same thing to people.

I actually am thinking about dumping quotit and using my own form and then running my quotes on ehealth (ha ha ha) and then emailing out spreadsheet quotes.

But seriously - I rarely sell a plan without a phone conversation. People are just too dang confused.

And it just bugs the hell out of me to go to the trouble to work up quotes, type up recommendations, email it out and NEVER hear from those people.

What me? No, I'm not upset. Why you ask?
Well...As strange as it sounds, I do not call prospects unless they ask me to. I correspond via email 90%-95% of the time. So, that's why I'm curious how many of those prospects will not complete the quote request if asked for the phone number.

Of course, I'm probably missing some business, but I'm working on a few things that might take care of that situation.

Yeah your missing like 90% of the business!!!

Send them to me. I can reactivate my OH license.

Wait. I just remembered why I let it go. I had to sell 3x as many plans to make the same amount as here.

Never mind.
Well. That does it! I value your opinion and as soon as I make a few changes...somebody will be calling these leads!


Sounds rather mysterious.

I was thinking of hiring a non-licensed telemarketer to do same. Seems like a more efficient use of time.

Those pesky licensed agents always want to share in commissions.