Part D Prescription Help


1000 Post Club
came across someone that is taking a compound cream it is:
Estriol 2.4mg/Estradiol .6mg/ Progesterone 150mg/Testosterone .75mg KE Cream

(it is basically 4 different drugs mixed into one. at least thats how I understand it)

She says the pharmacist mixes it up right in the pharmacy. It doesn't appear to have a name or name brand... When I look it up on it doesn't show any results. Not sure how to run this drug on a formulary. Any help?
Can't speak specifically to this compound, but I use a medication that would cost $250 or more per month if I used the brand but get it for about $60/mo by having it compounded.

If she had to pay copays on all 4 of those ingredients she might be paying more than she is now.

The best you can hope for is to put all 4 drugs into Part D and get the best coverage.

What Part D doesn't pay for (usually) is the compounding fee.

The way this works is the pharmacist takes the drugs, mixes them and then adds them to a cream. Unless she is using it other than topically. (And if she is, I don't want to know the details)

1. Find out the best plan for these drugs
2. Find out what the compounding fee is
3. Call the pharmacy where she is getting it filled. Ask them who their favorite plan is. If its a compounding pharmacy, they probably have the best idea on who is the best Part D plan for compounds. If its CVS, Walgreens, etc. they don't really care. None of these are unusual drugs.

It may wind up that she gets 4 RX's filled under Part D then pays the compounding fee out of pocket. Or Rick's right, but that depends on the quantities of each RX.