Prospecting Whats Working for You?


New Member
I'm a Producer/Agent for an independent agency going into my second full year. I'm looking to try some new things to bring in new business. Right now my main marketing strategy is developing referral partners. Right now I have my own networking group (similar to a BNI group) that has 12 members and I have a networking happy hour I host once a month. This generates a good amount of business but I want more.

I wasn't a big fan of internet leads or buying list to cold call. Internets leads are expensive and the lists didn't really give me much after running them through the DNC. I have had success going door 2 door and when its warms up I will do that again.

What have you had success doing?
bigger picture here...if you don't plan on owning/opening your own agency, then you're wasting your time in this business.
Find a niche that works for you. Exploit it and don't tell anyone your magic like you're asking for on here.
Find a niche that works for you. Exploit it and don't tell anyone your magic like you're asking for on here.

Hmm -- we do seem to have forum members more interested in career advice than a legitimate request for prospecting advice. Why's that?

There may be a way to broaden your referral effort that connects with todd02's niche advice. If you can position your role as an advisor rather than a product peddler, you can ask for referrals of people who might need your advice. Small business would be the best example: Few small businesses have a coordinated risk management plan, and almost none have an insurance advisor who is helping look toward the future and prepare for the risks that may lie ahead. It sounds good. It is good in practice. And it doesn't require that the referrer have any specific knowledge of product needs.
I'm a Producer/Agent for an independent agency going into my second full year. I'm looking to try some new things to bring in new business. Right now my main marketing strategy is developing referral partners. Right now I have my own networking group (similar to a BNI group) that has 12 members and I have a networking happy hour I host once a month. This generates a good amount of business but I want more.

I wasn't a big fan of internet leads or buying list to cold call. Internets leads are expensive and the lists didn't really give me much after running them through the DNC. I have had success going door 2 door and when its warms up I will do that again.

What have you had success doing?

Very interesting...What's your pitch line when you knock on someone's door?
why do you say this?

If a business doesnt know else are you supposed to get in front of them other than cold calling?

Many successful agents don't say either-or. When new, you MUST do whatever it takes to gain traction. Cold calling is an alternative, and vastly better than inaction. The phase two goal is a client base that becomes its own source of leads through up-sell, cross-sell and referral.

Clearly one of the great positives of a career in insurance is the ability to earn long-term trust relationships that require diligent, caring service... vs. getting up every morning to face the same old challenge of new prospecting and pitching.

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