Question about original medicare


Super Genius
Let’s say someone has a heart attack and they get admitted to the hospital and need surgery. Am I correct that after the person is admitted and the Part A deductible is paid, it will pay for the entire hospital bill including surgery and drugs and everything else? Or is Part A like part B where 80% is covered?
Let’s say someone has a heart attack and they get admitted to the hospital and need surgery. Am I correct that after the person is admitted and the Part A deductible is paid, it will pay for the entire hospital bill including surgery and drugs and everything else? Or is Part A like part B where 80% is covered?
After the Part A deductible you can have copays if your stay is 60 days. Surgery would fall under Part B.
The Part A deductible and copays are for room & board only (nothing that they do while you are admitted-those are Part B).
The Part A deductible and copays are for room & board only (nothing that they do while you are admitted-those are Part B).

and meds administered as an inpatient, labs, imaging, inpatient PT, OR, recovery . . .

basically charges incurred as an inpatient and billed by the hospital

Part B charges (surgeon, asst surgeon, anesthesiologist, etc.) are billed separately by the provider
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and meds administered as an inpatient, labs, imaging, inpatient PT, OR, recovery . . .

basically charges incurred as an inpatient and billed by the hospital

Do inpatient patients have self-administered medication charges or is that a special privelige reserved only for out-patients :laugh:?