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Rapid Disenrollment


New Member
I have recently started selling MA Special Needs Plans in a very low income area and have had two disenrollments within the first 2 months. I'm very concerned and called all the applicants to reinforce my existence and to assist if they have any questions. I found a 3rd one that may disenroll. When she was signed on, she wanted a hospital/provider within 2 miles of her home. I called the Plan and we found her a hospital/provider within 1.2 miles. She said she would choose the doctor once she received the call from the plan. She did. I phoned her today and she told me she does not like the doctor, she hasn't yet seen him, and now wants a hospital that is not in network. Probably the only one not in network. What should I do. I am frightened of the consequences. Any advice anyone, please?! Thanks very much for any input.
Me personally I stay away from Duel medi medi

I usually just tell them to call Medicare
I went against my own rule couple weeks ago

Woman had a plan dropped her doctor and her doc said to switch to united
she told me the benefits
we went over all the details

I also sent her a hard copy and said call if you want it
I did not even try to close

then she called me back to say she did not like the fact that the glasses only covered every 2 years not every year

I told her I cant do anything it is what it is

she wanted the plan we enrolled

3 days later I got a compliant saying I did not explain the glasses only cover every 2 years not ever year
Run- fast and far. This is not business that will stick. Most of the duals know exactly how the system works and how to manipulate it. On top of that, they become the most high maintenance clients you will ever have.
I think I wrote 3 in my career and lost them all for perfectly stupid reasons like what you described. Not worth my time. Remember, this is a business. You are not a volunteer. Chargebacks don't pay the mortgage.
I have just the opposite experience. My dual enrollments stick and tend to stick quite a long time.

I probably lose one out of 20 enrolled but that's about it. And my experience totals hundreds of duals enrolled.

BTW, you are not allowed to call those who have disenrolled. It's a CMS violation and could cause more than just a slap on the wrists.

I disagree with all the run run run, I sold 32 last year (not large but I wasn't looking for them) and I have spoken to them every few months and they are all still on the books.
Do they take work? Yes, thats why we are here.