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Real Horror Stories.

Absolute, total, unadulterated garbage. Congratulations...as Dave so eloquently quoted me, "mental masturbation"


Let me be a little more clear...today, I have a need for 2 million in temporary coverage...if I need the same coverage in 20 years then I am a dumbass. Plain and simple. Considering all of my debts are on 10 & 15 year notes...which they will be lucky to see...

So the garbage comment is directed towards a "broke" way of thinking. Make a plan, stick to it, ride the waves and retire rich. Oh yeah, I did that already..4 years ago.

I agree and support this comment, lol. I have a very large 20 year term, my wife has a smaller wl and term, i may increase hers but the assets are mostly in my name and i know in less than 20 years they will be paid for and ill have both cash flow from ss, cash in retirement and equity in property. Deadbeats dont do any of this hence this is why they have to purchase fe in their late 60's 70's and 80,s. Piss poor planning and being itresponsible and not paying their bills.


Btw people who buy term then blame the shorance man were buying on price alone, they knew what they were getting, you see in life being broke is actually really expensive!! Lol
The majority of the people that call me that say term only are or close to their 30s. That was true 20 years ago as well.

The $1000,000 + cases I have written in the last month were from existing clients that contacted me. They said I want a 30 year ROP for $1,000,000. I gave them a few options and inked it. I guess I am an order taker.
Do a little of both give client what they want and what the need. Just did a million dollar term with a 400k UL attached.
I was reading a thread where people mention some instances where people bought into the concept of BTID and things didn't really pan out.

So here is my request. Can people share some stories of situations where people came to end of term and couldn't get more or keep current coverage due to health or cost especially if a replacement is done.

Also feel free to share stories where you tried to get someone to buy a Life policy and they balked or took their time to the detriment of others..

BTID has been around since waht the 70's and Final Expense seems like a big market for the boomers. Which kind of means two things. People in large didn't or couldn't save and they still need coverage..

I think many agents could benefit from some of the situations other agents have run across where it will show there's more to consider than just selling a policy when considering long term obligations.

What if a person dies but what if they don't? Well share a story if you have one.. :swoon: :no:

I have said this in other threads, and I will say it again. You don't need horror stories or anecdotes. You need to learn how to use a legal pad and a calculator.
I have used a yellow pad for years.

Ask questions.

Take notes.

Ask more questions.

Your prospect will tell you what they want.

Then offer it to them.

No selling required.
Thanks for the stories. The horror stories request wasn't about horror selling but to hear of some of the first hand experiences of seasoned agents for other agents. In a perfect world BTID is a great concept but it's also good to hear the other side.