Registered in One State Insured in Another


New Member
Can I have a car registered in New Hampshire but insured in Georgia? The move to GA is temporary and car was just registered in NH. Registering in GA is prohibitively expensive right now. Or is it better to have the vehicle insured and registered in NH while in GA?
It is usually best to have the car insured in whatever state it is registered. I know a couple of states (ie. California) who suspend the registration if the vehicle doesn't have insurance in that state.
I live in OH and half the cars in my condo complex have FL plates. I've been here 8 years and those same cars STILL have FL plates. What states are the drivers licensed?...the cars registered?...the insurance issued?...I have no idea! I hope their agents know!

I do know that as a licensed agent, I have never been asked to look at a car title or registration for insurance purposes. Your own Driver's License state is usually more of an issue. Explaining an accident that happened 10 states away from the insurance state can also be an issue.

My experience is that most states have a time limit once you establish residency in that state....30 days or so to get everything switched.

My advice is to consult a licensed agent in GA and ask your questions. Every state is different, and only a GA agent can help you.
You should insured in New Hampshire, Normally a car must be registered and insured in the state of the "official" residence. Consult with agents if they will cover a car which is registered in another state.
What do you consider as 'temporary'? If its 30 days, leave everything in NH. If its a year, move it all.

Define temporary...... but realistically, you need to keep them together.

Will you still have a residence in NH?