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Required to Work IN There Office 4 NYL or MET?


New Member
When working for NYL or MET are you required to work in there office if you’re hired. After reading the forums for a while, I have the hunch that you don’t or that it's optional, especially for NYL. I've read somewhere people going to school or working on another job while working for NYL. However, if you are required does the agent cover the cost? I would assume, yes. If I can get some input that would be greatly appreciated it. Thanks a million!
i worked for NYL many moons ago and have worked with Met Agents, Being that both carriers want you to get securities licensed they can require you to work from there office. However at most this would be by manager decision. I know many Met and NYL agents working from home offices or detached offices, Managers may be more inclined to make you work out of the office in the begining to supervise/motivate/bug you.
When working for NYL or MET are you required to work in there office if you’re hired. After reading the forums for a while, I have the hunch that you don’t or that it's optional, especially for NYL. I've read somewhere people going to school or working on another job while working for NYL. However, if you are required does the agent cover the cost? I would assume, yes. If I can get some input that would be greatly appreciated it. Thanks a million!

It may depend upon where you are located in relation to the office. When I was interviewing with NYL their office was 125 miles away. With Metlife there were about two offices that I could associate with although the GA was also 125 miles away.
And finally most good managers probably won't care too much as long as you check in every so often if you are selling enough of there product.
Why is the use of there and their so often confused by posters? There use as an adverb indicates something in or at that place. Their is an adjective relating to them or themselves as possessors, agents, or objects of an action,e.g., their furniture. As used in this thread it appears that ...to work in their office....is the correct usage because it indicates that NYL or MET are possessors of the office.

No charge for this lesson!;)
Here is the deal. Almost ALL of the big boys in the insurance industry will want their agents to work in the company office in the beginning. They usually give you a cubicle with a phone/computer etc and this doesn't cost you anything. The motivation for doing this is to make sure that the new agents aren't wasting company time (because most of them are on some kind of salary in the beginning). Your manager will want to make sure that you are making calls and doing things to sell sell sell.

On the other hand, if you are really motivated and you are selling a sh*t load of product they will pretty much let you work however/wherever you want. You are really only as good as your sales numbers.

They will treat you like gold when you are selling and treat you like dog crap when you are not. As long as you keep selling they will give you a lot of freedom in how/where you work.
"You are really only as good as your sales numbers."

The only 100% truism about this business captured or independent. Everybody loves you when you make them money. Very few, if any, still do if you aren't.