Online Sales

Ok.. back to the original question:

Ideas on selling online, phone, fax...

Carriers that allow apps while not in front of client...

Tips and success stories...

and what state are you well as how many health co's do you sell....
Health carriers with online apps include:

Golden Rule/UHC
Don't launch into a "pitch" where you're talking most of the time. In fact, if you're talking during the entire conversation you probably don't have a deal. If they're talking during most the conversation you have a deal.

How do you get them to talk? You have to find the problem. If there's no problem there's no deal. You can't get some people to put three words together on the phone. That's because although they'd like to lower their rate, they're comfortable with the rate they're paying and have relatively low interest.

When I'm on the phone with the prospect I quickly try to find why they're interested in getting health insurance. They'll have one of three problems:

1) They don't have coverage
2) They're paying too much
3) They don't like their plan

You MUST get them to complain about one or more of those items. If they don't have coverage, but you don't convey that it's a concern for them you don't have a deal.


You: "Do you have coverage now?"

Client: "No."

You: "How long have you been without coverage"

Client: "Don't know. I while I guess."


You: "Do you have coverage now?"

Client: "No, and I can't believe I don't. I've always had coverage but I left my job and couldn't afford Cobra so I really need to get coverage.....on and on and on....."

Get people to talk. Get them to talk about their doctors, what they have now, what they like and don't like about it, etc....You should be asking questions, not launching into a sale pitch.

You can't recommend a product anyway until you do an extremely detailed pre-screen. How are you going to recommend a plan without asking if they have doctors that need to be in network?

In a nutshell for successful telephone sales: ask questions and shut up. After that, recommend the product and tell when why you're recommending that product.
A big part of my convo with the client is that I tell them that their name was sold to me for $6 and about 4 other agents.... and that buying insurance on line is fine but you really need an agent to weed thrugh the plans for you and find the best deals......there are some really bad plans on the market and thats what I do is try to close as many holes and get my client the best rate,,,Thats why I am a broker and sell everyone is because whats right for one person may not be right for another... I work for my client rather than just one insurance company.....and you need a good agent to relook this for you every year and advise you.... because your agent knows your needs and most of these people you will hear from on this deal you will never hear from them again and are most likely in a diffrent state...I know Texas and thats the only state I sell in....I have to much on my plate keeping up with the plans here let alone other states .....this is my home office clients call me when they don't think thier claims are being paid right....I have realized that it is easier to keep a client happy and on the books so I get paid rather than to find a new client for one who is when your looking at all these options from diffrent people your not only buying a health plan but you are hiring an agent to look after your best interest and to help you down the I am appling to be your health insurance broker not just for now but years down the line.....(I send my clients a email with all my appointments and how long I have been appointed as well as shots of my own health insurance card dating back 6 years ) I also tell them that I am in the same boat they are and have to go to the same group of ins. co's for my own plan.....

so elemente the competition, be lic. with just about every company, and sell yourself before selling a health plan...try not to present your plans the same way everyone else is...then talk to them and see what they have seen already ..what they have had in the past,,.what they like and don't like...and start to bond......and grill them about thier health conditions...
Selling Online

Great info STI.... I was wondering if most companies will allow you to sell over the phone?? I thought many required you to be in front of the customer.
If you're using shared leads you also have to educate your client without having it appear as if you're bashing to get business.

Some advice you can give is:

1) Always research to make sure what you're getting is actually insurance and not a discout plan or a plan with "insurance components."

2) Never purchase anything during the first call - never give anyone your billing information before you research what you're buying.

3) Never feel pressured. If you feel pressured you should deal with another agent.

4) Always ask for the agent's full name and ask if they have an insurance license to sell in your state.

5) If any agent isn't asking you detailed questions about health conditions, what plan you want or if your doctors are in network they are most likely just interested in a quick commission - not in finding a plan that fits your needs. No agent can give you an accurate quote without detailed medical information.

6) If the price seems to good to be true - it is.

7) Review the plan details either online or by having a brochure sent to you before choosing a plan. You want to be able to scour the plan on your own without the agent talking to you so you can ascertain if it's a product you want. If ANY agent refuses to send you plan and price details then run, do not walk to your nearest exit.
Re: Selling Online

joshril said:
Great info STI.... I was wondering if most companies will allow you to sell over the phone?? I thought many required you to be in front of the customer.

been doing it over the phone for about 5 years now....but there is alot to be said for sitting down with a client in the home and office.....I have done so much of that in the past it has helped me with my phone sales John said you have to be really good and know your produts as well as the competition's product to do this right....had a 1 and a half yr agent in IN. telling my client that humana was a better pick over unicare....but did not tell them they all had to meet a co~insurance on that plan.....and I had already shown the client this plan ....needless to say he deleted all the other emails...not before I talked him into forwarding them to me.........