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Senior Life Insurance Company... Any One Know About Them?

My rate sheet are at the office and I'm at home. Need more info such as height/weight/, meds, etc. She may qualify for the Super-Preferred rates.

If you work for just one company, how do you not know the rates or even at least if a rate sheet handy?
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Should read... Have a rate sheet handy. Damn auto correct.
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If you work for just one company, how do you not know the rates or even at least if a rate sheet handy?
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Should read... Have a rate sheet handy. Damn auto correct.

We write ages 0-85. We have plans from $1k up to $35k on the super-preferred. We have Super-Preferred, Preferred, Standard, Modified, Easy Issue, and Guarantee Issue in NC. There's also 20 pay and 10 pay and JWL.

Everything is precalculated on rate sheets, I don't have to calculate with pen and paper for different quotes.

I don't have rate sheets at home as I don't do any biz from home, except talking with agents on the phone.
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cuz hes lying......? :D

There you go again, spewing piss and vinegar, and not once have you offered anyone any sales advice, recruiting advice, persistency advice, etc.... nothing.

Don't you have some talent that you could share with the forum? Or are you demonstrating that you just don't have any talent? Haven't you pretty much failed wherever you've been writing biz? Seems like you failed at SL before, no?
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jacob, you are a sad, person. what kind of numbers do you produce, and what companies do you write?

Actually he is nothing like his persona on this board. He is a top producer and he is very helpful when asked for advice one on one..

I thought you were the guy that wanted to give everyone a chance?
I know someone in a different state who just sold an Amer Continental (Genworth FE) policy to a 63 yr old woman. The $10,000 Fe policy ran $44/month. He quoted this against a Sr Life rep who quoted the lady $58/mth for the same benefit, etc.

In all fairness, that's one case, so we cannot conclude that Sr Life is the most expensive based solely on that. However, my good friend here has been waiting patiently for a Sr Life rate comparison, so I figured this was a good start.

At the end of the day, would you rather purchase (for your spouse, where you're the beneficiary) a Sr Life policy or one from another carrier, particularly if the premium is lower than Sr Life.

As a disinterested 3rd party, who is quite entertained by this back-and-forth bootyfest :bump:, I must say that it will be hard for a company like Sr Life to be taking control of the FE market in only 5 years, particularly when they cannot even get rated by A.M. Best, which is something Sr citizens seem to be looking at more closely these days (apparently, some sort of senior watchdog group has been mass mailing these "don't get ripped off by insurance carriers" guides, which mention A.M. Best ratings in great detail).

Just a thought guys..... nobody get their feathers ruffled :cry:, and please don't call the Powell's to come sue folks on this board. Instead, prove any misstatements as false, or invite the Powell's to join the forum. I'm sure Sam would welcome them with open arms.
At the end of the day an agent isn't always going to be the cheapest or the best salesman. There is always someone cheaper, slicker or sharper than you out there.

Being able to have 5 to 10 carriers in your bag can be a good thing. At the same time, going with just one that you know inside and out sometimes works out well too.

I know a girl who works in the flex premium annuity market. She sells one carrier and one only. She surely doesn't have the best rate nor the easiest of products to understand. I have a swath of carriers with better rates I offer along with her company as well. She sells way more flex premium than I but she knows her product inside and out. When in front of a prospect, she could win an academy award.

It's like golf clubs. There are guys always buying the latest driver or putter or what have ya. Always thinking that this is going too improve their game. Whatever the latest gadget for golf is, they just have to have it. Then you have guys who have one set of clubs and don't buy into this "gotta have this new" BS and go out and play way better golf than the guys with every club and gadget you could possibly have. Different strokes for different folks.
I know someone in a different state who just sold an Amer Continental (Genworth FE) policy to a 63 yr old woman. The $10,000 Fe policy ran $44/month. He quoted this against a Sr Life rep who quoted the lady $58/mth for the same benefit, etc.

In all fairness, that's one case, so we cannot conclude that Sr Life is the most expensive based solely on that. However, my good friend here has been waiting patiently for a Sr Life rate comparison, so I figured this was a good start.

At the end of the day, would you rather purchase (for your spouse, where you're the beneficiary) a Sr Life policy or one from another carrier, particularly if the premium is lower than Sr Life.

As a disinterested 3rd party, who is quite entertained by this back-and-forth bootyfest :bump:, I must say that it will be hard for a company like Sr Life to be taking control of the FE market in only 5 years, particularly when they cannot even get rated by A.M. Best, which is something Sr citizens seem to be looking at more closely these days (apparently, some sort of senior watchdog group has been mass mailing these "don't get ripped off by insurance carriers" guides, which mention A.M. Best ratings in great detail).

Just a thought guys..... nobody get their feathers ruffled :cry:, and please don't call the Powell's to come sue folks on this board. Instead, prove any misstatements as false, or invite the Powell's to join the forum. I'm sure Sam would welcome them with open arms.

Your figures are incorrect. 10k pref is $52.16 and the 10k super-preferred is $37.06. If her height/weight is ok, non tobacco user, and no more than one med for any condition, along with "no" to the usual questions she could get the super-preferred. In this case I would rather have the SL super preferred policy for $37.06 which beats the $44 premium in your example. All the SL plans pay double for acc. death too, not sure if the $44 premium even has that.

An important question is how FAST is the claim paid. If natural death occurs outside the 2 yr. contestable period then the check is typed up and express mailed the same day the death certificate is received.

I can't say much about AM Best except look at AIG just a couple of years ago. They had at least an "A" or better rating and...you know the rest of the story.

In my 12 1/2 yrs. experience I've never had a prospect to ask for the AM Best rating. When I did face 2 face I did have a couple of people to ask to see my insurance license though. Thankfully I carried in my wallet. I even had a prospect, out in the field, ask if I had a policy with the Co. Thankfully I was carrying the policy with me in my presentation book.

Dale and Ron are way too busy to spend any time on this forum. (I should do the same thing myself). It would be like a pro baseball player working out with a high school team.

A couple of the RD's have been on this forum looking around and decided there was so much name calling, negativity, lack of a healthy exchange of ideas, etc. that they didn't want any part of it. Their time was better spent nurturing their agency and its growth.

As far as dominating the FE market in 5-10 yrs. we'll have to wait and see. I know that in the last 10 yrs. they've grown from one state to over 40 states. Pretty strong growth especially in this economy where an insurance co. has to put down so many millions to register to sell in just one state.

I don't think you'll have to worried about being sued by any co. as long as you don't spout off outrageous and defaming lies.
It's like golf clubs. There are guys always buying the latest driver or putter or what have ya. Always thinking that this is going too improve their game. Whatever the latest gadget for golf is, they just have to have it. Then you have guys who have one set of clubs and don't buy into this "gotta have this new" BS and go out and play way better golf than the guys with every club and gadget you could possibly have. Different strokes for different folks.

Yes, but the difference is you can't break 90 unless your clubs are under 6 months old.
