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SEO for Insurance Websites

I have a link from the about.com website. No idea how I got it, no idea if it is helping me or not, but it is there none the less.
I can't wait for the day when SEO is dead. Links, articles, etc...become meaningless. A day when formulas are created that instantly review and rank sites solely bases on the merits of the site.

If you don't think that day is coming....it is. And if Google doesn't do it, a few college kids working out of their garage will, and knock Google on their a**.
I used to run a blogger blog using that domain. When I changed to a more traditional site and a blog I kept the domain and pointed it to my primary site.
my blog is actually listed as www . mydomain . com / insurance-blog.html is this as good as having it on a subdomain? I'm assuming as long as it is associated with your domain that it has the same effect?
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