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SEO for Insurance Websites

I can't wait for the day when SEO is dead. Links, articles, etc...become meaningless. A day when formulas are created that instantly review and rank sites solely bases on the merits of the site.

If you don't think that day is coming....it is. And if Google doesn't do it, a few college kids working out of their garage will, and knock Google on their a**.

It just seems like there are way to many web pages to do this. It would take hours and hours of man time to look through all the new websites and rank them and then when they get continuously updated then what.
SEO is a very time intensive process. But I would say it is the most effective marketing tool in today's marketplace. You can track every aspect of internet marketing, and when you have a large ad budget every year, that is very important. Most business owners want to know exactly how this expense is going to help them. And with Search and even some Social, you can do that in just a few clicks.
HELP! I've had a few articles published in articlesbase. However, it is not showing up as a backlink to my website. Any thoughts? Thanks!
HELP! I've had a few articles published in articlesbase. However, it is not showing up as a backlink to my website. Any thoughts? Thanks!

build backlinks to your backlinks

you expect a tent to stand up and not collapse without any support? :)
aheff....yeah I have a thought... "stop asking insurance agents for SEO advice" ....."or listening to their SEO advice"
HELP! I've had a few articles published in articlesbase. However, it is not showing up as a backlink to my website. Any thoughts? Thanks!

I have 25 articles posted on ArticleBase and Google Webmaster Tools accounts for every single link. I have not back linked any of the articles. Checking the page source does confirm that the links are nofollow. What does this all mean?
no follow on a link means that the link is not part of the site in question. It does not mean that the link isn't counted toward your sites serp.

When the google spider runs through a site, the nofollow tag tells it that it does not need to go past that link, that that link is not a part of the site it is crawling.

However, it does SEE the link and it does influence the SERP.