SEO Value of Universities/govt Links


100+ Post Club
I am new to the entire SEO process. I am having a strong, content rich website being built. Will also use an SEO company helping with links and all. Over the years, I built relationships with about 10 large colleges and school districts. Hoping to get backlinks from these institutions. Excuse this extremely naive question. I've been told that these types of links are very good. My question is how strong? Strong enough to overcome a brand new website? Will these 10 links, push me up fairly quickly in google ranking?
It really does not make a huge difference. It all boils down to the key factor, which is the authority/trust that linking page has in Google's eyes.

You could have your "paid" link from a student page, where he explains how he crashed his while drunk and he lost his claims on auto insurance. Accompany that with several pictures of booze-related parties etc.. and there's not too much authority nor that page has any relevancy to your link about auto insurance.

On the other side if you have a professional white paper, or a student research, where they have referenced your site as a resource for their study, that is a completely different story and is pure gold in terms of link building. That's because it tells Google you are a trusted authority worth being referenced from relevant trusted .edu/.gov pages.

I hope that helps.

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Sorry for not being more specific. I have maybe 5-10 large school districts/universities that I am hoping will put me on their own website. On some page on their website, they might have a very small blurb, for ex.- For Low Cost Insurance, call Jon Jones at(123) or click the below. The back link will be an anchor text Low Cost Insurance. I'm guessing this strong authority, but I have no idea how strong it is. Enough to overcome a brand new website? Any and all input/thoughts appreciated. Thanks
I feel like they would be very valuable. Most of the times orgs like this dont give out links and to get one would most likely be better than other TLDs.

My advice...get all the links you can get from sources like this. It certainly wont hurt you any.
Search Engines use more than just links to determine rankings, though links are a huge part of it.

I'd say get as many links as possible from the best sites you can and you'll be good to go. And then keep on getting as many links as possible. 5-10 .edu links is great, but you'll probably need way more than just those links if you want to move up in the rankings against sites that have been there for years with hundreds or thousands of backlinks.
The question is....if you have two identical sites and one is .edu and the other .com...does Google view them differently. Just a hunch but I assume there is no difference.

I suppose that more edu sites are reputable than com sites and perhaps that's the point.

DISCLAIMER: I am not an SEO expert and I know about 2.9% (up from 1.3%) than folks like Val, Dave, Alston etc...

Of course...Alston has that talking head on his websites which puts him in a different class than everyone.