Silver script $63 a month in 2024 with $525 deductible. Best silver script $116 a month

Smart Saver in CA is $4.50 no deductible tiers 1 & 2....I just wrote two to be good to my supp client but it is non commissionable.
You can write SilverScript SmartSaver, they just won't pay you for new applicants. I currently have 48 enrollments in that plan. It's about giving the Medicare Supplement clients good service.
You can write SilverScript SmartSaver, they just won't pay you for new applicants. I currently have 48 enrollments in that plan. It's about giving the Medicare Supplement clients good service.

What a novel idea . . . not many agents would agree with that statement.

FWIW, I consult with clients on their PDP, have done this for years, and never collected a commission.

That is my choice. No one forces me to do it this way.
What a novel idea . . . not many agents would agree with that statement.

FWIW, I consult with clients on their PDP, have done this for years, and never collected a commission.

That is my choice. No one forces me to do it this way.

1000 clients x $50.00 = $50000.00/year.
You are a generous fella.
You can write SilverScript SmartSaver, they just won't pay you for new applicants. I currently have 48 enrollments in that plan. It's about giving the Medicare Supplement clients good service.

Or you could write WellCare - usually better anyway, not much more, and get paid.

SilverScript isn't even an option in my office - if they want it, and they understand that they could get WellCare from me (along with why it's better), then no, I'm not enrolling them, I'm not servicing them, I'm not answering questions about it.

They need to navigate that on their own (again, they had the option of getting my help on a good PDP).

I had one lady come into my office during AEP last year. On a Saturday.

Told her: keep your Plan G. It was good.

We get to her D, she has SS. WellCare was better on her T2. But she used GoodRx on the one that WellCare would cover as T2.

Recommended for her to change. She was SO CHEAP about the small premium difference. She decided to keep as is. Waste of my time. But she "really wanted an agent who would help her" and I explained that because she doesn't want to spend a few dollars more, I'm not her agent. She took offense.

I marked in my CRM her name is "Don't answer" so next time she calls I won't waste time.

Funny thing is she has Accendo so we all know where that is headed - but when she calls again, no - find someone else.

Many clients are wanting to make sure we get paid. I prefer those clients. Maybe I'm petty but if you are such a tightwad I don't want the business.
Or you could write WellCare - usually better anyway, not much more, and get paid.

SilverScript isn't even an option in my office - if they want it, and they understand that they could get WellCare from me (along with why it's better), then no, I'm not enrolling them, I'm not servicing them, I'm not answering questions about it.

They need to navigate that on their own (again, they had the option of getting my help on a good PDP).

I had one lady come into my office during AEP last year. On a Saturday.

Told her: keep your Plan G. It was good.

We get to her D, she has SS. WellCare was better on her T2. But she used GoodRx on the one that WellCare would cover as T2.

Recommended for her to change. She was SO CHEAP about the small premium difference. She decided to keep as is. Waste of my time. But she "really wanted an agent who would help her" and I explained that because she doesn't want to spend a few dollars more, I'm not her agent. She took offense.

I marked in my CRM her name is "Don't answer" so next time she calls I won't waste time.

Funny thing is she has Accendo so we all know where that is headed - but when she calls again, no - find someone else.

Many clients are wanting to make sure we get paid. I prefer those clients. Maybe I'm petty but if you are such a tightwad I don't want the business.

Exactly what I do. If I'm doing a screen share or they're in my office, I'll show them the $8.40 plan and tell them for $2.80 more a month I can make sure you don't have a deductible on tier 2 meds. I don't want you calling me because they won't cover your $30 generic drug. I've had it happen.

It's literally that simple
Just to chime in on the penalty, a couple in their later 80's just happened to never get PDP's. No Rx until one had to get a $500 Rx. Smaller house, fancy neighborhood where 3500 Sq ft and up the norm, but living on SS only. Lucky their % of federal poverty level was ok for the manufacturer to provide the Rx free of charge. This is not my everyday habit, but I went to the doc office with the client to get them to sign the form to the manufacturer. A busy office so used my Jedi "you will get this signed now" move. The monthly penalty from 2006 onward, pretty high. They had found me, & after the Rx help, was able to get them lower cost MedSupps, no medical history that would cause decline, so both passed underwriting. The point is like was said, some Rx in the future could be astronomical. Another one, $5000 a month. That couple just happened to squeak under 500% of FPL to get that one no cost, and they have prescription coverage. The cancer maintenance prescription, $10,000 plus a month.

So they had original medicare, just no Part D?