Solving the PFFS mess


5000 Post Club
Henderson, NV
Much of the reason we have this "problem" with PFFS enrollments which has now led to the Congress reacting by ending the LEOP is because Medicare recipients cannot change their plans during the year. Sure, there will still be crappy agents, but at least the plan could be changed within 30 days if there was no OEP, SEP, LEOP, IRA (sorry).

If there was open enrollment year round, then at least a person could correct the situation by changing plans.

Just like most laws, this creates more problems than it solves. Making MA plan enrollment more restrictive hurts those that are supposed to help.

I'm convinced that out of the 535 members of Congress/Senate, there might be 10 intelligent people. That makes 10 more than in the White House.

I'm afraid I must take the counter point to you. If you allow everyone to change, whenever they feel like it, you would create a logistical and paperwork nightmare.

There is a great deal of paperwork that we don't see, that is part and parcel of these Medicare Plans.

I tell all my clients to give it three months, to see if it pans out to be what is promised. I also make them very clear on the dates that they can switch. This is not auto insurance - it's health insurance, which is more claims laden.

It gets back to the agent sitting down with the prospect and going through their individual situation. Then, a plan is suggested. Not the other way around. This is why I don't get leads from any source.

If I do that, then I have to follow CMS guidelines. Getting referrals on my own - under the radar, if you will - allows me a bit more freedom to tailor the plan to the prospect. Not the other way around.
Just like most laws, this creates more problems than it solves...

...I'm convinced that out of the 535 members of Congress/Senate, there might be 10 intelligent people. That makes 10 more than in the White House.


I think gross generalizations like that are irresponsible. Yep, I'm picking on you, because I can. lol

I neither blame Congress nor the White House. (How does one blame a house for anything?)

Look where they get their information and guidance. Most likely from CMS. We all know what an out standing job CMS did in setting this whole cluster ah, mess up.

I'd be willing to bet that not one producing insurance agent went to DC to testify before a Senate or House Committee. Most probably none of he thousands of producing agents bothered to take the time to write a personal letter to either their Congressman or Senator.

You know that none of the Seniors took the time to do or say anything. They didn't have a clue what was going on and still don't. They have to rely on the guy who knocked on their door to learn anything about the PFFS plans. That is a real scary thought.

With the multitude of bills introduced each session there is no way that any one individual can have all of the information from all sources and spend the time necessary to investigate all aspects of each piece of legislation. Our "law makers" have to depend on the "experts" to give them the information to make what is hopefully a well informed and intelligent decision. Another scary thought.

Without constituent input they have nothing else to go on. As few as 10 to 20 individually hand written letters is considered a lot of constituent input on a piece of legislation. The pre-printed post cards and letters that are passed out to groups to sign and send in are, for the most part, are considered trash.

Only personal letters from those who can vote for them are considered, and if they receive enough of them, they can get a legislator to consider changing his/her vote. If you can't vote for them they really aren't interested in your opinion.

These are the only public officials that we can "fire" if they aren't doing their job. How many of us are willing to take, and give, our time to seek out and work to get elected those who support our beliefs? Then and only then do we really have a right to bitch. If we don't like the job they are doing then lets work to get them fired!

I spent twelve years as a lobbyist and use to speak before a group of 50 to 75 business leaders every Friday morning about upcoming legislation. I would listen to them all bitch about how bad they were going to get screwed by a piece of pending legislation. Every Friday I would tell them that they can make a difference if only they would testify before a committee or take the time to write a letter.

Guess how many testified and or wrote letters? Zero! They were all too busy to "work" to protect their interests.
There, I feel better now. :)
It gets back to the agent sitting down with the prospect and going through their individual situation. Then, a plan is suggested. Not the other way around. This is why I don't get leads from any source.

If I do that, then I have to follow CMS guidelines. Getting referrals on my own - under the radar, if you will - allows me a bit more freedom to tailor the plan to the prospect. Not the other way around.

Well said! That is how I believe a professional agent should "sell insurance".