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Stay Away from The Prospecting Department


New Member
Here are questions I asked the "owner" in one of his employee's posts. The idea is, he/she is going to answer these questions so anyone else researching the company can have clear view on what they are paying $465 to receive. This was my response to the owner of the company wanting me to call and settle this. I had called for a month and couldn't get the guy that sold me the list, to pick up the phone, or call me back. I then posted a rip off report, one to the site and one to the owner, whom had already posted about getting a good list from himself. This was his weak attempt to get The Prospecting Department's name off of a google search. Here are the questions I posted to him.

"Here is what your employees are sending out through emails,
"All of our information is self reported and survey based via direct telemarketing and direct email from large directories of retirees, new homeowners, etc., from the nations top compilers. Once that group is funneled down to only the best prospects that fit our criteria, then we profile every lead to the best of our capabilities. We market and sell them first come first serve to ONE client, and we do NOT resell or recycle any lists."

Let's have this debate on line so any other agents that google, "The Prospecting Department," can get an understanding where we are coming from.

1. I am convinced that one of your employees created the good Rip off Report.

2. Don't talk to me about "Professionally," when your employees are flat out lying about the information they are selling. You are going to tell me, and it says it above mind you, that all this information you are selling for $465, is self reported???? Then why doesn't even your good report contest that fact? It says that the information is accurate, not warm. Why did not one person I called remember self reporting anything?

3. Only sold one time? Why did an advisor in my area find the names that you sold me, on another site? I sent him the CD that I received, and he said that 99% of the names that I had on there were from a site he uses. I forgot the name of the site, but will let you know. It was a site like Infoseek that was used for straight cold lists. The difference is price and that is the big thing though!! So you might not resell the names. The site that people are paying pennies on the dollar, is reselling them, however. (My colleague is going to get me the site that she found these names on when she gets back from Phoenix next week. UPDATE: the site is Alaxco(sp?)).

4. "who are looking to speak with a licensed agent about starting a life policy."
THIS SIMPLY IS NOT TRUE!! No one is looking to speak to anyone, about anything. In a lot of cases they were downright rude.

5. ".... come with our 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Let me know which list...."
Where is my $465? Why would your employees care if I got my money back? Why wouldn't Ryan just pick up the phone, call me, and tell me that I am getting my money back? This leads me to believe that you as the owners are making the employees pay the full amount for the guarantees. I would have to believe that Ryan doesn't have an extra $465 to send my way, so I am the one being schwindled. This one really confuses me "owner." Why would he care if I got my money back? He made me buy into the idea, he lied about it, but he sold me. Is there a bonus structure on top of hourly pay? Is there not even a hourly wage and it is just straight commission and when someone want their money back, you make the employee pay it? I just cannot fathom why he would care if I got my money back or not. Is he you? Are you Ryan Moses? Your website says there are different people running the place, but I could see you doing some shady things for tax purposes.

6. "They are no longer comfortable with money sitting there, they are just not sure what options are available for a rollover. They are looking to roll these accounts out right away, and are just in need of a bit of guidance."
How do you know this?

7. "All Files scrubbed for Do Not Call"
This isn't true either. I use a gryphon system and they weren't scrubbed at all. I understand you replace them and blah, blah, blah. Why in the world would I want more junk like I got the first time?

8. Now that I look at it:
"All information is self reported by the consumer
All Files scrubbed for Do Not Call
1 for 1 replacement guarantee on any bad information
All lists are completely EXCLUSIVE TO THE BUYER
1 for 1 replacement on any contact that is already in your system
100% Money Back Guarantee[ if no business is written in 90 days"
Is any of this true? NOPE!

As the owner of your company, I understand you are trying to take this off the internet so you can scam other people. It isn't right though what you and your employees are doing. Are the years you have been here scamming people, worth an eternity in hell that you will be spending? You must find employees for your company at "we have no morals and don't believe in God's teaching" meetings. I pray that none of you have children because they must be proud to know the bread they are eating is stolen from people that are making it through country honestly. Future felons of America is what they are going to be. How can you teach a child about doing the right thing, when you are doing the wrong thing. Please provide with me proof and rebuttals to my objections. I am sure anyone else that googles your company would love to hear the truth for once. Here are questions I asked the "owner" in one of his employees posts. The idea is, he/she is going to answer these questions. In that sense, anyone else researching the company can have clear view on what they are paying $465 to receive. Since I first made this report, the owner would rather point out grammar and proof reading errors, rather than answer questions. My intelligence and errors don't take away from the the main point, THEY ARE SCAM ARTISTS, LIARS, AND YOU WON'T GET YOUR MONEY BACK!!!!!
Did anyone else have an experience like this? :mad:
The Prospecting Department told me I was going to have "warm leads of individuals that are looking to roll money over, and were looking for life insurance." None of it was true. They said they had a money back guarantee, that if I didn't write business, I would get my 465 dollars back, not true. My lawyer sent them a letter to their address in Co and it was returned. They scammed me out of $465, and I warning others that this is going to happen. One of their employees contacted me via email. Here is the email.
"With the Summer prospecting season opened up, we understand the importance of getting in front of new people. We have compiled a couple new databases that might fit your needs. All lists are within a direct 19 mile radius of your office, and come with our 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Let me know which list would best suit your goals for the coming quarter

This group of 423 retirees have separated from employment within the last 6 months. They are still holding a modest minimum of 200K with their previous employer in an old 401k or pension plan. They are no longer comfortable with money sitting there, they are just not sure what options are available for a rollover. They are looking to roll these accounts out right away, and are just in need of a bit of guidance. This listing sells for $330.

I also have a group of 346 individuals between the ages of 50 and 60 who are interested in speaking with a liscensed about starting a long term care policy. They are not sure what direction to go into, and need some professional help to assess their needs. They have a min. of $500K net worth, and need protection. The cost on this database is $305[/font]

In addition there are also 449 individuals between the ages of 30 and 50 who are looking to speak with a licensed agent about starting a life policy. They are not sure if they are looking for Term, Straight, Whole, or Universal, but they are looking to get that policy in place fairly quickly. I will also provide their assets as well making them great candidates for a Roth IRA as well for long term retirement planning. The price of this database is $340.

All of our information is self reported and survey based via direct telemarketing and direct email from large directories of retirees, new homeowners, etc., from the nations top compilers. Once that group is funneled down to only the best prospects that fit our criteria, then we profile every lead to the best of our capabilities. We market and sell them first come first serve to ONE client, and we do NOT resell or recycle any lists. This is what ensures the highest accuracy possible, allowing us to offer a Full Money Back Guarantee
]If you could utilize 2 databases, I could sell them for a bulk rate of $515, or all 3 for $610!

Mention this email and take an extra $50 off of 2 or more lists purchased today!

All information is self reported by the consumer
All Files scrubbed for Do Not Call
1 for 1 replacement guarantee on any bad information
All lists are completely EXCLUSIVE TO THE BUYER
1 for 1 replacement on any contact that is already in your system
100% Money Back Guarantee[ if no business is written in 90 days

Thank you for taking the time to review the information. I look forward to speaking with you soon. If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call or shoot me an email. This information is Geography specific. If you cannot use this listing please forward this information to someone who may be able too

Ryan Moses
Sales Representative
The Prospecting Department
7916 Niwot Rd.
Longmont, CO 8050
P:(970)449-9464 "

I asked the owner of the company to answer the above questions for me.
Yes, they lied.

I just have to ask this question. How many times have we all been told if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is?

Today I gave away over 1,000 telemarketing records for free. They were 100% no strings attached, no credit card needed, not going to sign you up for a mailing list, absolutely no cost. I don't think I'm being too bold in saying that what I offered is a deal that does not happen very often. Did I do it in the hopes of getting some business? Absolutely, but I didn't make anyone buy anything from me before I gave them a *free list, I actually gave them a no asterisk involved free list.

For even $1/lead I don't think anyone can expect to get warm leads waiting to be called. Aged leads that have been sold and resold, sure, but not a warm lead that has never been resold.

That all being said, sorry to hear about you getting punked; most of us have spent thousands of dollars learning that lesson the hard way.
For even $1/lead I don't think anyone can expect to get warm leads waiting to be called.

I know those kind of "leads" are not available for $100 or even $200. In my experience they are not available from any "lead" company.

Josh, you are one of the "good guys". What you say agents can "take to the bank."

Please send my 25 cents to the following address......:D