Surprise Billing Legal Tangles


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
The Surprise Billing Act does not impact Medicare plans, but some agents work the U65 and post 65 market so this may be of interest.

Medicare beneficiaries, including MAPD policyholders, can still be hit with medical bills denied by their carrier . . . this can include bills from non-par providers.

The process has been a free-for-all so far, and there’s no assurances the final rule will make it any better in the near term. In just four months, between April 15 and Aug. 11, providers and insurers initiated more than 46,000 disputes — “substantially more” than the government thought there would be in an entire year, according to a federal update released last week. Arbiters have resolved just 1,200, or 3%, of the disputes. Job security is looking good for medical dispute reviewers and consultants.
Surprise billing legal limbo & device price persuasion