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T65 Direct Mailer

Raymond, my comment was not intended to "back Josh up" but more to point out your own immaturity.

It's much like the pot calling the kettle black.

It was a joke, and a pretty good one at that. If it offended you, then so be it. It didn't seem to offend anyone but you as we all knew it was a joke.
C'MON man! This war needs to end Josh and this other guy. U guys need to kiss and make up. There is enough biz for both of u I guaranteed it......D

My thoughts exactly.

I asked Sam if he felt it was appropriate for Ray to bump threads just to advertise and received no response and judging from other discussions he and I have had it appears that this is a situation he's going to stand by his non-censorship policy on, which I completely respect.

The money I make off of selling the data here is like the annuity I did last week, it's bonus money. If I can help out agents by providing them with quality lists, some guidance on how to model them, some feedback on their scripts and approaches, then great. If anyone wants to read through my last several thousand posts it will become abundantly clear that long before I ever started selling data, I was helping folks out to begin with. If Ray wants to advertise his services on here I take no issue with it and don't think of him as "stepping on my turf", but I don't think that it is appropriate for Ray to bump threads for the sole purpose of soliciting business. That being said, if Sam wishes to remain silent on the issue then there are a considerable amount of folks that visit this forum without ever participating and I would be foolish to not take advantage of the same opportunities.

For years I have actively participated on this forum and I've come to the point where I consider many of the folks on here friends and many more I think highly of. Frank Stastny, Mark Rosenthal, Todd King, jdeasy, Rick Bronstein, Al3 (yes, I put those next to each other, wait til you see the next one), Robert Barney, VolAgent, Brook Jolley, and the list goes on. I think we have had some folks come on here that don't participate much, but what they do chime in on adds meaning to the discussion. On the large, I respect this community. To me, being able to sell the data with the relationship I have with the folks I've been buying lists from for years is a bonus. I think on key difference between myself and Ray is that I look at insurance-forums.net as a community I enjoy participating in and as a bonus I make some extra money off selling the lists and dialers, and Ray only wants to see it as a source of income or virtually (if not literally) give away data simply because he's upset that I gave him a hard time and he wants to "spite" me.

To me, this is over. I'm priced where I want to be on the data and if he'd rather pay folks to process data for virtually free or do it himself to "spite" me, then that's perfectly fine. I'm not willing to work for free. If he is willing to lose time and/or money out of spite, then I can certainly see why folks would want to take advantage of that. About a year ago I picked up 7 servers at a fraction of what they were worth because they were marital property and a couple was going through a divorce, so when the wife sold husbands computers, she wasn't particularly concerned with how much she was getting for them, she just wanted them gone and to get something for them. If anyone takes a look at what Ray's dialer service and data pricing is outside of this forum, you'll see that the market value for what he's selling is much higher than he's willing to give it away for and that my data is more than reasonably priced.
The OP stated, "Who doesn't trust a priest".

SAI and Josh replied with basically the same thing..."Some young boys!"

We all thought it was funny...but then came Ray Ray with a holier than though attitude!

Maybe Ray Ray was on the blunt end of the object when he was a kid... that would kill a fellers sense of humor on the subject.

And of course suffering thru 12 yrs of Catholic School will sure marr one's personality too... so if you think I am sick, or twisted, you are RIGHT. I went to 12 yrs of Catholic School. And I thought that the joke was plenty funny... busted out laughing.
Some young boys? ;)

-It's my understanding that as of the most recent CMS "clarifications", if it even says Medicare they want it approved, so listing Medicare Advantage in and of itself might be enough (although I know that used to be ok).
First and foremost, thank you again for your reply.
I have made some changes, and something came across my mind.
My business card list Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplement Plans and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans. Would simply placing it in a envelope and mailing it to T-65's require me to have my business card approved by CMS prior to sending it out?
In essence, this letter is just my extended business card I am sending to them correct.
...what are you thoughts?

PS:CMS is a pain in the rear.
PS: Glad to see we are all so professional on these forums. Leave the bickering for private messaging. Thanks
PS: Glad to see we are all so professional on these forums. Leave the bickering for private messaging. Thanks

To answer your earlier question, you probably do need to have it ran by CMS which means carrier approval which means it'll never happen. It used to be ok, but now it's not, go figure. That being said, another way folks work around that has been to just say "Medicare plans", but CMS wants to regulate that now. You may still be able to use the phrase "Senior Health Plans" and let the senior draw what conclusions they may. Heck, you could probably say Medicare supplements point blank and seniors wouldn't look at it and say "Oh, he probably doesn't help with Medicare Advantage plans".

Do you have a goto carrier that you use for compliance questions or no?
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