Term conversion while on WP

David C

100+ Post Club
Many purchasers of term life see term as a commodity. Term is term to them. The ability to convert term to permanent when disabled is a competitive advantage.

What companies allow this and which ones don't?

Illinois Mutual allows this.

What about Life Investors? Protective? West Coast Life? State Farm? Others?
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Many purchasers of term life see term as a commodity. Term is term to them. The ability to convert term to permanent when disabled is a competitive advantage.

What companies allow this and which ones don't?

Illinois Mutual allows this.

What about Life Investors? Protective? West Coast Life? State Farm? Others?

LOL, yea make me laugh! Oh they might, don't sell for the likes of WCL, Protective, Life Investors and let us throw in the new and improve FLA, but IMHO what permanent policies do they have worth converting to?
Good point, even if they're convertible, they should be convertible to the permanent plan of your choice, not some lousy UL.