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The Joy Of Shared Internet Health Leads

Great post except for the cat owner part:twitchy:

Well, technically I'm engaged and the cat belongs to my fiancee's mother, but who's counting?

I think that email works because everyone else is trying to sell them something and they're pissed -- and you look like you're pissed, too. And when people are pissed, all they want to do is have someone listen to them complain. So let them rant for a little while and by the time they're done, they've been talking to you and already opened up to you. Just from that, you've earned more trust than any of the other agents they've dealt with.
I get folks like that quite often. I try to defuse the situation from the start by apologizing in a light hearted way about the calls. My opening line goes something like this.

"Hi Paul, this is Bob. Are you ready to yank the phone out of the wall?"

They usually chuckle and agree. If not, I know it is going to be a very short call.

"I apologize for all the calls but unfortunately you get ambushed when you go online looking for information. All I need is 2 - 3 minutes to verify your information and make sure what I send is what you are looking for. Do you have 2 minutes for me?"

I know the traditional sales model is to take charge and never ask permission, but I am not a typical broker.

Usually they say yes, but if they ask me to call back I get a time and best number to use. When I call at the time they suggested, I leave a brief message, reminding them I called when THEY asked me to, and move on. I also send a confirming email. If they call me back or email, fine. Otherwise I am done with them except for drip marketing.

If they are rude, or say they will call me, they never hear from me again and are not dripped.

If they give me 2 minutes, it usually turns into 10 or more. I begin by verifying their information, then ask about the plan they have. I also ask the following.

"Other than price, what don't you like about your current plan?"

"How long have you been looking?"

"If you find something that meets your needs and budget, when will you be making a change?"

Those questions come only after I have verified everything, found out what kind of plan they have and most importantly, what medication family members take.

I never get into sales questions until I have an idea of their overall health. No need to waste a lot of time on folks who are uninsurable.

I also ask if they have an employer plan and if so, if it is going away. If they have group coverage I want to know how much they are paying. Sometimes I get folks like the one this week that was paying $20 per week for family coverage including dental. No need wasting her time or mine. I also told her to forget about going online because she was not going to do any better.
So what did you end up doing, Moon?

Wow, some interesting ideas from a lot of different people. I sent back this email reply:

"Thanks for the reply. Yeah, they do charge for the leads - but don't worry about that, I can afford it.

Just throwing "another quote on the pile" is not the way I work with clients. How would I even know what is appropriate? I wouldn't dream of firing a quote at you without info on your situation...it's malpractice.

Here's what I do: after finding out why you would consider a change, and what you'd like to have, I shop the market of all of the top health carriers in Florida to find you the best value so you don't have to deal with "50 insurance agents". No additional charge to you for my service.

I guide you through the application process, shop your coverage every year at renewal, and help straighten out problems after the sale. Been doing this for eighteen years, and have hundreds of happy, satisfied clients.

Let me know if I can ever be of help in any way."
just move on.. let the autoresponder from norvax do the work for u .... why loose sleep over this crap. it aint worth it. all the energy u spend on this can better be used doing something else

Exactly - waste of time, move on.
Wow, some interesting ideas from a lot of different people. I sent back this email reply:

"Thanks for the reply. Yeah, they do charge for the leads - but don't worry about that, I can afford it.

Just throwing "another quote on the pile" is not the way I work with clients. How would I even know what is appropriate? I wouldn't dream of firing a quote at you without info on your situation...it's malpractice.

Here's what I do: after finding out why you would consider a change, and what you'd like to have, I shop the market of all of the top health carriers in Florida to find you the best value so you don't have to deal with "50 insurance agents". No additional charge to you for my service.

I guide you through the application process, shop your coverage every year at renewal, and help straighten out problems after the sale. Been doing this for eighteen years, and have hundreds of happy, satisfied clients.

Let me know if I can ever be of help in any way."

Like this as well! If you get a response, please update us here if you think about it!
Maybe, just maybe, one of these days, all of you bozos buying these internet leads will get wise and just STOP IT already. :skeptical:

Leave the internettin' to the handful of us who know what we're doing. And most assuredly, one thing we're not doing is buying a "lead" from a non-licensed person's website when you KNOW that "lead" is going to be resold to 500 people. (When I call one of my self-generated leads, they KNOW who I am already and they are expecting ME to call them.) I can't believe the results you got from that person were even worthy of publication, much less discussion.:twitchy:

By the way, providing a "quote" based in limited information is NOT "malpractice." :nah:
