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The Lead Champion

I've got to say, you guys blow my mind. Do you really think that having someone else call people and "set an appointment" for $35 a pop is an effective way of selling insurance? Are you really taking their word that it is a "real appointment", not contacting the prospect yourself and just showing up at their front door expecting to sell a policy?

No wonder there are so many agents who are going broke! Any agent who would shell out $35 because they believe that crap deserves to go broke. If the guy setting the appointments is really that good don't you think he would be selling insurance to the people he sets appointments with?

A 75% closing ratio? Give me a break! That is pure, goat crap!

Unless the agent himself/herself is actually qualifying the prospect over the phone, asking basic health questions and letting the prospect what the premium is going to be it will never happen.

I believe that direct mail "leads", they really aren't "leads", are one hell of a lot better than paying some yahoo who's goal is to "get rich" selling "lazy" agents pre-set appointments.

I am very good at what I do, I'm not holding back haha, and I've been doing it for sixteen years. There is no way that I would piss away $35 to have some stranger, who is only interested in making money off of me, set "appointments" for me.

I have said this so many times before, anyone who has a rate sheet, an application and a decent personality can sell insurance. It IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE if an agent knows how to find a prospect who needs a policy. Does anyone really think that someone who makes their money selling "pre-set" appointments is going to take the time to qualify that prospect the way an agent would who is spending their time and money go to on that appointment?

God, I hope no one said yes to that question besides the guy who is getting rich selling "pre-set" appointments to agents who really believe that crap.

LEARN TO PROSPECT. That is what selling insurance is all about. Learn to be creative. Explore different methods to find the people who need the product you are selling.

Oh, excuse me, apparently to some that sounds like way too much work. I've got a news flash for those agents, SELLING INSURANCE AND BEING SUCCESSFUL AT IT IS WORK!

Any agent who got into this business because they believe that they are a "techy" and can create a website or expects to sit at home in their underwear and make a six figure income is smoking some really good sheit.

So, for all you "wanna bees", keep buzzing around looking for an easy, lazy mans way of selling insurance. I really enjoy your posts and find them very entertaining.
I've got to say, you guys blow my mind. Do you really think that having someone else call people and "set an appointment" for $35 a pop is an effective way of selling insurance? Are you really taking their word that it is a "real appointment", not contacting the prospect yourself and just showing up at their front door expecting to sell a policy?

No wonder there are so many agents who are going broke! Any agent who would shell out $35 because they believe that crap deserves to go broke. If the guy setting the appointments is really that good don't you think he would be selling insurance to the people he sets appointments with?

A 75% closing ratio? Give me a break! That is pure, goat crap!

Unless the agent himself/herself is actually qualifying the prospect over the phone, asking basic health questions and letting the prospect what the premium is going to be it will never happen.

I believe that direct mail "leads", they really aren't "leads", are one hell of a lot better than paying some yahoo who's goal is to "get rich" selling "lazy" agents pre-set appointments.

I am very good at what I do, I'm not holding back haha, and I've been doing it for sixteen years. There is no way that I would piss away $35 to have some stranger, who is only interested in making money off of me, set "appointments" for me.

I have said this so many times before, anyone who has a rate sheet, an application and a decent personality can sell insurance. It IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE if an agent knows how to find a prospect who needs a policy. Does anyone really think that someone who makes their money selling "pre-set" appointments is going to take the time to qualify that prospect the way an agent would who is spending their time and money go to on that appointment?

God, I hope no one said yes to that question besides the guy who is getting rich selling "pre-set" appointments to agents who really believe that crap.

LEARN TO PROSPECT. That is what selling insurance is all about. Learn to be creative. Explore different methods to find the people who need the product you are selling.

Oh, excuse me, apparently to some that sounds like way too much work. I've got a news flash for those agents, SELLING INSURANCE AND BEING SUCCESSFUL AT IT IS WORK!

Any agent who got into this business because they believe that they are a "techy" and can create a website or expects to sit at home in their underwear and make a six figure income is smoking some really good sheit.

So, for all you "wanna bees", keep buzzing around looking for an easy, lazy mans way of selling insurance. I really enjoy your posts and find them very entertaining.
I'm with ya, bro, and I'm just a noob in this business!

You've thrown the gauntlet and told us that there are much more effective ways to find prospects than relying on a telemarketer.

If you had to start over, mainly selling FE, how would you do it, from day one? Specifics please, on how you would find prospects.
I've got to say, you guys blow my mind. Do you really think that having someone else call people and "set an appointment" for $35 a pop is an effective way of selling insurance? Are you really taking their word that it is a "real appointment", not contacting the prospect yourself and just showing up at their front door expecting to sell a policy?

No wonder there are so many agents who are going broke! Any agent who would shell out $35 because they believe that crap deserves to go broke. If the guy setting the appointments is really that good don't you think he would be selling insurance to the people he sets appointments with?

A 75% closing ratio? Give me a break! That is pure, goat crap!

Unless the agent himself/herself is actually qualifying the prospect over the phone, asking basic health questions and letting the prospect what the premium is going to be it will never happen.

I believe that direct mail "leads", they really aren't "leads", are one hell of a lot better than paying some yahoo who's goal is to "get rich" selling "lazy" agents pre-set appointments.

I am very good at what I do, I'm not holding back haha, and I've been doing it for sixteen years. There is no way that I would piss away $35 to have some stranger, who is only interested in making money off of me, set "appointments" for me.

I have said this so many times before, anyone who has a rate sheet, an application and a decent personality can sell insurance. It IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE if an agent knows how to find a prospect who needs a policy. Does anyone really think that someone who makes their money selling "pre-set" appointments is going to take the time to qualify that prospect the way an agent would who is spending their time and money go to on that appointment?

God, I hope no one said yes to that question besides the guy who is getting rich selling "pre-set" appointments to agents who really believe that crap.

LEARN TO PROSPECT. That is what selling insurance is all about. Learn to be creative. Explore different methods to find the people who need the product you are selling.

Oh, excuse me, apparently to some that sounds like way too much work. I've got a news flash for those agents, SELLING INSURANCE AND BEING SUCCESSFUL AT IT IS WORK!

Any agent who got into this business because they believe that they are a "techy" and can create a website or expects to sit at home in their underwear and make a six figure income is smoking some really good sheit.

So, for all you "wanna bees", keep buzzing around looking for an easy, lazy mans way of selling insurance. I really enjoy your posts and find them very entertaining.

I definitely agree with you. Tell us all how you really feel............LOL
I wanted to comment about this....

Depending on the Lead Company you deal with some provide misleading or false appointments because lack of training of their telemarketers.

My website is yourleadsnetwork.com and my agents that i set appointments for have seen upto a 75% closing rate and was very excited. I provide top focus training to my telemarketers to make sure we have and keep a high closing rate. My Leads CLOSE! Hey i might be pricey for appointments but it is well worth it. You will see your ROI on your first day of appointments. I have the Agents to prove that i am good at what i do providing qualified pre-set final expense appointments.

We never send any bad appointment to an agent to waste their time. We record each call from start to finish and make sure that they agreed to have an agent come to their home.

One of my clients called me yesterday and said Will, man you gotta keep doing what your doing. I don't know what you say or how you do it but i went to this couples house and they already had their policies out on the table waiting for my arrival. He made over $10,000 in his first week on my qualified appointments.

I guarantee that i can out beat any lead company because i work my butt off to make sure an agent has a successful appointment.

Visit my website to learn more about me

your leads network dot com

I can write a book on here about how happy and excited my clients are with their appointments it would take pages.

Where else can you get appointments that are soo qualified and they are 100% interested in meeting you and make almost $7,000 dollars in just 2 days? Do the research, because i got those lead companies beat.

In examining your web site and comparing it to the OP, I find an eerily similar offer. The "Prices" and "FAQ" pages are almost carbon copy of each other, except you quote $10 per lead more.

Either you copied The Lead Champion's web site and embellished it, or you use the same web designer... doesn't matter. The point is that both of you are starting out with some big prices... and it appears you are a little too anxious to get a large sum of money up front. That usually spells.... SCAM.:1err:

We are a fairly skeptical bunch on this forum. To avoid being written off as a SCAM, we need to have some corroborative posts from agents who have successfully tried your offer. I venture not very many will ante up what you are asking. So, if you want to convince us, you will have to offer something less demanding until you build up credibility.:1cool:

I hope you haven't already spent that money you dreamed you would make on this "offer"! If I were you, I would trim down your expectations as well as your prices.:yes:
In examining your web site and comparing it to the OP, I find an eerily similar offer. The "Prices" and "FAQ" pages are almost carbon copy of each other, except you quote $10 per lead more.

Either you copied The Lead Champion's web site and embellished it, or you use the same web designer... doesn't matter. The point is that both of you are starting out with some big prices... and it appears you are a little too anxious to get a large sum of money up front. That usually spells.... SCAM.:1err:

We are a fairly skeptical bunch on this forum. To avoid being written off as a SCAM, we need to have some corroborative posts from agents who have successfully tried your offer. I venture not very many will ante up what you are asking. So, if you want to convince us, you will have to offer something less demanding until you build up credibility.:1cool:

I hope you haven't already spent that money you dreamed you would make on this "offer"! If I were you, I would trim down your expectations as well as your prices.:yes:
Perfectly Said! If you wish to come on this forum, please have other established agents blowing your horn, rather then blowing your self....uhhh... I mean rather then blowing your own horn!!
I'm with ya, bro, and I'm just a noob in this business!

You've thrown the gauntlet and told us that there are much more effective ways to find prospects than relying on a telemarketer.

If you had to start over, mainly selling FE, how would you do it, from day one? Specifics please, on how you would find prospects.

Although I have sold a lot of FE insurance I have never prospected just for FE. All the FE insurance I have sold has been as a result of a Med Supp appointment.

I believe Medicare Supplement insurance is the easiest to prospect for without having to spend huge amounts of money. However, I know of a lot of agents who only sell FE and do extremely well.

Probably the first thing I would do is go to people who specialize in selling FE. One name that comes to mind is HoosierDaddy, I'm sure there are others on the board as well. He is a member of the forum and his e-mail address, he has it posted in one of the threads, is ttubbs at indy.rr.com.

Although I have not personally worked with him I have spoken to other forum members who have and received positive comments about him and the training he offers. I would suggest you get his phone number and speak to him and ask a ton of questions. Do it on the phone, not e-mail.

An agent can have the best leads in the world and still fail miserably. I have seen it happen so often.

I believe there is no substitute for product knowledge. Knowing everything about the product you are selling and just as important, know everything about the competition. Become an expert on FE insurance, know more than the agents you are competing with.

Equally as important is knowing what to say and how to say it when you make the initial contact. Many times the timing with which you say something can be almost more important than the words you say. It is the reason that some agents excel when others stumble around lost in a haze.

With all that said, if all I was trying to sell was FE and didn't have a mentor to help get me started then I would probably begin by purchasing a combination of direct mail and internet leads, I think. (Makes me cringe just thinking of spending money on direct mail leads.)

Determine what you want to say and do it in a conversational tone of voice. Don't say things like "Hey Bill, this is Frank, how you doing? Both you and he know that you don't give a damn about "how he is doing". Do say, "Hello Mr. Smith, my name is Frank Stastny and the reason I'm calling is that you recently sent in a card requesting information on..."

When I get a call and the person says "Hey Frank...", if I'm in a good mood I hang up, if I'm have a lousy day I begin making disparaging remarks about his heritage. (I am holding back)

If you want to give me a call I will be happy to discuss this at greater length with you. I can teach people, who want to learn to prospect, how to sell Med Supps. The system I use is almost fun. The operative word is "almost". Let's just say it isn't as big a pain in the ass or as expensive as prospecting for some of the other types of insurance.
I buy leads and hired my own appointment setter ... it's going really well for me.

In my first month as an insurance agent (January 2009), I made 30 sales (20K in yearly premium) ...

After my cost of leads and appointments, I felt it was worth it ... plus, I only have to work three full days and I get a 4 day weekend. I don't have to spend my time prospecting and calling my leads.

Its working so far ...

I don't think I would have sold one policy without the leads .... or appointment setter ... I'm just not into prospecting ... I suck at it!!! I think as I get more seasoned and experienced that it will be easier to prospect ... it helps to know what the hell you are talking about!!!
Although I have sold a lot of FE insurance I have never prospected just for FE. All the FE insurance I have sold has been as a result of a Med Supp appointment.

I believe Medicare Supplement insurance is the easiest to prospect for without having to spend huge amounts of money. However, I know of a lot of agents who only sell FE and do extremely well.

Probably the first thing I would do is go to people who specialize in selling FE. One name that comes to mind is HoosierDaddy, I'm sure there are others on the board as well. He is a member of the forum and his e-mail address, he has it posted in one of the threads, is ttubbs at indy.rr.com.

Although I have not personally worked with him I have spoken to other forum members who have and received positive comments about him and the training he offers. I would suggest you get his phone number and speak to him and ask a ton of questions. Do it on the phone, not e-mail.

An agent can have the best leads in the world and still fail miserably. I have seen it happen so often.

I believe there is no substitute for product knowledge. Knowing everything about the product you are selling and just as important, know everything about the competition. Become an expert on FE insurance, know more than the agents you are competing with.

Equally as important is knowing what to say and how to say it when you make the initial contact. Many times the timing with which you say something can be almost more important than the words you say. It is the reason that some agents excel when others stumble around lost in a haze.

With all that said, if all I was trying to sell was FE and didn't have a mentor to help get me started then I would probably begin by purchasing a combination of direct mail and internet leads, I think. (Makes me cringe just thinking of spending money on direct mail leads.)

Determine what you want to say and do it in a conversational tone of voice. Don't say things like "Hey Bill, this is Frank, how you doing? Both you and he know that you don't give a damn about "how he is doing". Do say, "Hello Mr. Smith, my name is Frank Stastny and the reason I'm calling is that you recently sent in a card requesting information on..."

When I get a call and the person says "Hey Frank...", if I'm in a good mood I hang up, if I'm have a lousy day I begin making disparaging remarks about his heritage. (I am holding back)

If you want to give me a call I will be happy to discuss this at greater length with you. I can teach people, who want to learn to prospect, how to sell Med Supps. The system I use is almost fun. The operative word is "almost". Let's just say it isn't as big a pain in the ass or as expensive as prospecting for some of the other types of insurance.
Solid gold, thank you!! I will report back to you somewhere down the line and I promise you I'll be thanking you for steering me in the right direction on a very successful and fulfilling move.