"The Tale of Two Idiots"

Life Hawk

5000 Post Club
Recently I had a client who missed payments and lapsed her policy. I was made aware of this, promptly forgot and did not follow up.

*** #1 - (Me) I forgot to follow up on hard worked for business because of a lazy streak that has dogged me for the past almost 2 1/2 years. Whoever used the locomotive analogy to building up momentum to sales generation knew of what he spoke. (Slowly getting back into the swing of things lest my wife shoot me for the insurance money. :) )

*** #2 - (Who knows who he was) In the mean she was visited by a welling meaning lad who after 2 attempts was unable to provide her with coverage?? She referred to him as "the ***".

Little aside about my client, she cannot speak so she communicates via an expo marker and white board. So... she wrote "the ***", referring to this young well meaning agent that apparently had no clue where is butt was. :laugh:

Needless to say I provided her coverage and retained my client.

Moral of the story: "If you don't act like *** #1 your clients wont have to deal with *** #2."
It's the new software the forum went to. It changes mean words and profanity to something nice. You have to be a wordsmith to get around it.

I'm a *@**&%$** Rembrandt.
Reminds me of a time we were babysitting a 6 year old niece. She later reported to her parents that we were watching “bad bad movies”. When they asked why they were bad, she answered, “They were saying the S word!” :err:

Her mom called my wife and told her what her daughter had said. She asked, “What in the world were you guys watching?!!”

“Disney movies!”, my wife replied.

After a few minutes they figured out that one of the characters had said “stupid”, which their family wasn’t allowed to say.:D
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I was coming up with a different word for those 3 asterisks. You know - the other word for donkey. (OK, you lefties, don’t get offended! I didn’t pick your mascot, did I?:twitchy:)
I'm not a potty mouth... I'm still afraid my mouth will hear and wash my mouth out with soap... and yes she did.

I so love that old lady. :yes: