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I'll share a quick idea I have seen work
very successfully over and over again.
(Not my idea, one a colleague showed me).
Anyone who is old-skool, you probably
know of this idea.
But it works, repeatedly well.
++ Place a creative, strange shaped
object inside a #10 envelope (handwritten
and handstamped), and segue into your
letter using it.
The best idea I've seen -- that worked with
a minimum 25.2% response rate (based on phone
calls received) was... Alka-Seltzer in a #10 envelope.
Obviously, it was a very persuasive letter
with strong call to action. But it got opened!
Not tossed.
It began something like...
Dear First Name,
You are wondering why I'm including an Alka-Selzter
taped to the top of this letter.
It's because many people in our county like
yourself are in tremendous pain with their
current homeowners insurance, and don't
even realize it....
etc. etc.
Remember: All ideas are good ideas.
They are even better when you adapt and apply them to
your own audience and your own business.
Go for it.
very successfully over and over again.
(Not my idea, one a colleague showed me).
Anyone who is old-skool, you probably
know of this idea.
But it works, repeatedly well.
++ Place a creative, strange shaped
object inside a #10 envelope (handwritten
and handstamped), and segue into your
letter using it.
The best idea I've seen -- that worked with
a minimum 25.2% response rate (based on phone
calls received) was... Alka-Seltzer in a #10 envelope.
Obviously, it was a very persuasive letter
with strong call to action. But it got opened!
Not tossed.
It began something like...
Dear First Name,
You are wondering why I'm including an Alka-Selzter
taped to the top of this letter.
It's because many people in our county like
yourself are in tremendous pain with their
current homeowners insurance, and don't
even realize it....
etc. etc.
Remember: All ideas are good ideas.
They are even better when you adapt and apply them to
your own audience and your own business.
Go for it.