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Too Many Got Declined


New Member
if a agent did 30 cases, all the case were people who is over 65 years old.
if 20 case got declined. Is it gonna be bad for the agent?
what could happen to the agent?
I'm guessing you are in an agency situation? Probably a "Come to Jesus" meeting with the manager. You'll be told to do a better job finding acceptable risks for the company. If you still can't figure out how to pre-screen and find acceptable risks, they may let you go at some point.
.......all the cases were people who ARE over 65 years old................


Yes, I do work in AN agency. What risk AM I taking now?

Did you get burnt out on being so friendly or are you just bitter that Mah didn't make it? :-)
It sounds like you are doing a poor job on the front end with preliminary underwriting. Are you trying to put all these people with the same company or are you independent writing insurance with multiple companies?

Why were these people declined? What were the issues?
The only risk I know of is that they will show you the door. Generally they aren't going to charge you for the APS or labs as long as they get the app. I guess they might at some point, but odds are they'd just get rid of you first.

Quite frankly, you either work for the strictest underwriter on earth, or you are doing a piss poor job of pre-screening. What are you doing, hanging out at the local cancer ward? 20 declines is a lot, period. But out of 30 apps, that is has to be a record.
i am a contracted agent only write for one company.
due to heath problem and income issue.
will this company refuse to take my case later on?
The biggest problem with the declines is all of the time, energy, resourcees, and work that you have put into these cases to receive no income. The most important thing for you is to learn the underwriting guidelines for the companies and products you offer. Then you should very early in the process determine if you have a prospect who can possibly pass underwriting or come up with other companies for the prospects that can't pass underwriting. Do you have any flexibility on the companies you offer?