Top Agent With Lincoln Heritage Wrote 70k in AP For July

New agents to this forum stop wasting your time asking these guys about contracts, where to get leads and what not. The gentleman that wrote 64k in April, set a new company record. Wrote 70k in AP for the month of July. PM me and I will get you in contact with the top organizations with Lincoln. BTW Jason is a "street level" agent on a the company's in house lead program. PM me. I'm not going to argue, just PM for details. If you wrote more than 70k for a month then I'll engage you in debate.
Is his contract still at 60 percent or did he get a raise to 65 percent for all the hard work and effort.


He's on a contract over 100%.
tea ok let's see this contract with the Devil LH.


It is very unusual in the FE side of the life business. From a life agents perspective, it is common to see this poduction from multiple agents within the same agency. I have placed single pieces of business with that premium alone. But that is a different business model compared to FE. This is not sustainable in the long run. Way too much work needed to service and keep the business he wrote. It is not impossible. That is 17k per week in AP. Look at it this way.... 275 leads/mo or 80-85/wk. A 25% close rate is 22 sales. Say 28 apps. Divide into 17k and that is a little over $600/app. You would need to have someone (very talented) set your appts, process apps and be in the field 5 days a week to do it. Very doable. Just hard to maintain that pace in one area for a year. Look for his book next year.... title "How I sold $500k of FE in a year and how I didnt make squat off it."
Better title is How to Make Your Upline Rich.