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UHC - Thank You for Your Patience

Hey i've been in this movie scene with PHD at UHC and I'm still waiting for a med supp to be issued since Dec 08. My concern for the client was...will it be issued at level one? No answer.

Annoyed in Atlanta.
In the past I've emailed [email protected] and was able to get answers within 24 hours. I've tried to do that in the last month about pending policies and they tell me I have to call the producer help desk, i've responded and told them I can't get through, but they again tell me to call the producers help desk
In the past I've emailed [email protected] and was able to get answers within 24 hours. I've tried to do that in the last month about pending policies and they tell me I have to call the producer help desk, i've responded and told them I can't get through, but they again tell me to call the producers help desk

And the time it took them to respond to your email telling you to call the PHd could have been spent answering your question.
- Update -

So both clients have recieved their policies but I got a call from the Husband today complaining that the wife has recieved a copy of the App and Checks with a letter stating that she is recieving because of Law...Now husband whos policy was issued a week before hers is wondering where his letter is....Of course the PHD closes from 10:30 to 12:00 central or my time 11:30 to 1:00pm. I explain the mail and what could be happening but I promise I will call and verify that this has been mailed....So the call came in at 11:35 my time so I wait until 1Pm and call I'm on hold till 1:30pm at which point I need to hang up can take my daughter to an appointment...I get back at 2:20pm and call....Here is a tip if you gurgle on the line it will say it didn't understand you and I got a human within a minute...I give he the clients Medicare Claim number, AARP Memembership number and she says ah yess I see here his PDP and I say yes he has that but I'm calling about his Med Supp....there is dead air for about a minute and she says he does not have a Medicare Supplement with AARP, my response is he has already recieved the certificate, Hold one moment about 2 minutes later. Ah yes I see he is enrolled on the Agent Portal (No Sh$t if the portal provided my answers I would call you idiots) I remind her I am looking for confirmation that this info has been mailed to him...One momement...you will need to speak to someone in Med Supp enrollments I will transfer you....so I'm at 26 minutes so far wating for another representative to answer....

Great at 56:33 the second rep answered the call...after verifying my info again she was able to see the clients med supp could tell me the processing date and then told me what the client was refering to was what they call the CPA they had no easy way of verifying if it had been mailed in this case for the client and would not consider putting a special request until 10 business days passed from the processing date...So I called the client let them know what I found out and he tells me he called UHC this morning before calling me and they said yes they would reorder that for him....Now he thinks either he is being lied to or I'm a bumbling ***...I had to promise to call him every day till wednesday to verify if it has arrived and then would demand a special request on the 10th business day...

On a side note does anyone else feel that UHC understaffs the PHD? I get the feeling they added brokers in 2008 due to how much business brokers controlled but really don't like us and provide better service on the direct side...Am I crazy?
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After holding for 30 minutes...I had to use the bathroom...I was still on hold when I finished thank god I would have been pissed to call again.

They need to come up with some better music to listen to while waiting. Put some Zeppelin on there. :D
Forget the music...I just want them to answer the friggen phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They answered my call back in 6 minutes. The gentleman I talked to was most helpful. He let me know he was minutes away from being through for the day and he was glad.

I was talking with someone about a customers PDP plan.