

Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I had to share this information.

Yesterday I talked to 52 uninsurable people. It's a new record for me. It must have just been timing or something because it was one right after the other.
I actually dialed my phone 128 times yesterday. Only quoted 9 people, and only 4 of those where viable but I did one application. It was an abnormal day I usually only dial 60 times per day.
I work off internet leads. I decided that I would sit down and call all of my old leads one more time before I put them away. It was an interesting day.
I had to share this information.

Yesterday I talked to 52 uninsurable people. It's a new record for me. It must have just been timing or something because it was one right after the other.

WOW Your work ethic is a damn site better than mine. I am impressed.
I had to share this information.

Yesterday I talked to 52 uninsurable people. It's a new record for me. It must have just been timing or something because it was one right after the other.

Hey SME,

Where do you buy your leads? Is it possible that I could buy your uninsurable leads if you don't use them?

Thank you,

Calvin Smith
Yesterday I talked to 52 uninsurable people. It's a new record for me. It must have just been timing or something because it was one right after the other.
Well I talked with 452 voice mails of uninsurables.

I am not sure how you would reach 52 people by yourself.

Voice mail percentage has ran 80 to 85% for years in my office.

To reach 52 people I would be looking at actually speaking with about 150+ people assuming 1/3 are uninsurable. To reach 150+ people I would be looking at around 1000 dials, which we do - but not with one person.

Yes you gotta love shared Internet leads... lol