Unwanted Release - Can an IMO Do That?

I don't sell FE and have no contracts with Newby. While we were talking on the phone today he dropped the bomb on me that he's releasing me. I told him I don't accept the release and if I'm going to not write business with anyone I would prefer it to be him.

I'm really not sure if I'm insulted or not.


Serves you right always wanting an open and signed release Newby just did you one better and preemptively released you guess you can't complain about him holding you hostage.


You have been Newtered today.

It's a very elite group.

Your spelling error aside he is married pretty sure he was already neutered.
Rick, have you been reading Joseph Heller? Sure sounds like a catch 22 situation you have encountered.

Newby is releasing your from your non-existent, non-assigned, non-commissions and yet you continue to want to be a non-producer.