Using a move SEP to switch Med Supp carriers with GI


I have never used a change in address (move) SEP to to do this. I have used move SEPs to switch people from MAPD to Original Medicare with a med supp being available GI because of the move. But what if a client has a med supp already, but they bought it in a high premium zip code. Now, they move to an area where med supps are available at a much lower premium. Can I use the move SEP to put them with another med supp carrier using the GI right from the move?
I have never used a change in address (move) SEP to to do this. I have used move SEPs to switch people from MAPD to Original Medicare with a med supp being available GI because of the move. But what if a client has a med supp already, but they bought it in a high premium zip code. Now, they move to an area where med supps are available at a much lower premium. Can I use the move SEP to put them with another med supp carrier using the GI right from the move?
Supplements don't have SEPs.
I have never used a change in address (move) SEP to to do this. I have used move SEPs to switch people from MAPD to Original Medicare with a med supp being available GI because of the move. But what if a client has a med supp already, but they bought it in a high premium zip code. Now, they move to an area where med supps are available at a much lower premium. Can I use the move SEP to put them with another med supp carrier using the GI right from the move?
As rmhaire said this isnt an SEP. however if they are with Humana then Humana can do this internally. I lost a client this way. she was most definitely uninsurable and she let me know she called Humana and they moved her to the Achieve plan (she went from TX to SC) and she is now a house account. I thought they pulled some weird shenanigan's but then Fred Ross, President of Medicare Supplements with Humana, on one of the FB groups confirmed they do this. I was shocked

I know this doesn't help you because you would lose a client (I am not sure if an agent can initiate this and retain AOR...I may have to look into that)
As rmhaire said this isnt an SEP. however if they are with Humana then Humana can do this internally. I lost a client this way. she was most definitely uninsurable and she let me know she called Humana and they moved her to the Achieve plan (she went from TX to SC) and she is now a house account. I thought they pulled some weird shenanigan's but then Fred Ross, President of Medicare Supplements with Humana, on one of the FB groups confirmed they do this. I was shocked

I know this doesn't help you because you would lose a client (I am not sure if an agent can initiate this and retain AOR...I may have to look into that)
Did they switch her maybe she had a higher tier premium because they knew she failed medical underwriting (and had a complete history in their records about her) but they kept her with a tier 2 premium? Then that might make sense.
Did they switch her maybe she had a higher tier premium because they knew she failed medical underwriting (and had a complete history in their records about her) but they kept her with a tier 2 premium? Then that might make sense.
No they switched her. She had Humana value in TX. when she moved she called Humana to update her address with them. They then sent her a letter that indicated her new SC rate was going to be like $200/mo (she was around $110 if I recall in TX). She called Humana and said there's no way I can pay this and the lady said lets take a look. Oh we can move you to Humana Achieve with NO health questions because you moved to a new area.. Bam now she was down to like $100/mo
I have lost clients to Humana, Aetna and BX in situations like that. Humana was Medigap, the others were major med.

Don't trust any of them.

I coach my folks to call me first but some will forget and call the carrier.
Oh we can move you to Humana Achieve with NO health questions because you moved to a new area.. Bam now she was down to like $100/mo
So, not an SEP, but a Humana internal policy apparantly? I know med supp carriers can have their own internal policies about this sort of thing, as long as it's not MORE restrictive than CMS rules. I have never attempted to call into a med supp carrier to request a lower rate for a client that had moved. Looks like I could lose AOR if the carrier allowed it. Hmmm...