We are not in good hands

Either that or he is a fool. This person is always sure that there is something going on behind the scenes to do something outside of the policy language. Yet he is convinced that he should continue to place his vehicle where it will be hit so he can go around the insurance companies and collect money on the side.

That is very good hypothesis from you. And for this reason the front and back cameras I ordered will be installed in my car so no other dude when he hits my car will claim "oh, there are no witness, I was right... is his word against mine..."

So, if you, by any chance, hit my car, then you won't go away free with your lies like the dude from this last accident.

What now?
Carlos, you received some very good advice and information from a knowledgeable person, yet you refuse to accept it. Whether you accept it or not, may I suggest you move on. If you do not like the answer, hire an attorney and fight it.
Carlos, last piece of advice I will give you and I really don't care what you do or what you feel a need to argue about. Maryland has some of the strangest insurance laws in the country. Every insured person has the right to file for an administrative hearing concerning your policy, your rate, any claims you have filed. That is one set of reasons why your state has some of the highest rates in the country. If you don't think you have been treated well, file a grievance with the Commission and get your hearing. Allstate will win the argument, that I can guarantee. Then leave them and go find another carrier. Some day you will realize it is not THEM it is YOU. You are what we in the business call a 90/10. Ninety percent of my time is dealing with 10% of the customers I have. They are never happy, late in their payments, always think I am out to get them, will leave in a heartbeat, file unnecessary claims, won't listen to years of advise. Be like the other 90%, not the 10%