Wellcare PDP Class Action Suit

Why someone would be captive with an insurance company is beyond me. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket saying and all.
I have been Wellcare agent for 20 years. Number one producer for years. I was "captive" and then Wellcare got rid of captives so I now am a broker. new contract signed may 2024. Wellcare/Centene took full advantage of my loyalty and NOW STUPIDITY
as strong worker. I had MAPD plan ending NC so I was losing my book of business around 750 people. I did plan changes from MAPD To MAPD and I do NOT get commissions for plan changes under Wellcare. I only got renewal monthly. I was loyal to Wellcare did the plan changes and they terminated my contract Dec 8th the day after AEP. Now I am frantic for OEP and am forced to do all the work twice to other carriers in my area.

Why did they terminate your contract as a broker? Did they give any details?